12 Best Fixes for Vizio TV Won’t Turn On

Vizio is a well-known TV manufacturer with various models that provide excellent performance. Each TV model has its own price range and unique features.
However, Vizio TVs seem to have a widespread problem. Many Vizio owners complain that their TVs won’t turn on. This makes things especially worse when you’re in the mood to watch your favorite TV series or online series! Therefore, to help you solve this problem, we have developed a detailed troubleshooting guide.
If you have a Vizio TV and are experiencing this issue, there is no need to go any further. You’ve come to the right place to learn everything there is to know about troubleshooting a Vizio TV that won’t turn on.
The most common reasons for your Vizio TV not turning on include power problems, corrupted or outdated software, and a faulty remote control.
You solve such problems yourself until you find that the problem is related to the hardware.
Why won’t your Vizio TV turn on?
Don’t worry if your Vizio TV won’t turn on. Instead, start with the simplest solution: unplug your TV and turn it off. Now please wait a minute before plugging it back in. This is how you do a hard reset on your TV.
Exploring a few more possibilities often helps resolve the issue quickly. After basic troubleshooting, you should be able to get back to watching your favorite shows in no time.
Here are a few reasons why your Vizio TV won’t turn on:
Decode power indicator on Vizio TV
To understand the problem with your Vizio TV, you must first decipher the meaning of each power light color.
- If the power light on your TV continues to flash orange or white for several minutes and the TV does not turn on completely, your Vizio TV may have an internal problem.
- Your Vizio TV is having display problems if it turns on and the screen goes black with no backlight or low backlight.
- The latest Vizio TVs have a white indicator light that turns on and off when the TV is turned on; if the indicator stays on and does not go out, you should check the TV before it stops turning on.
Replace the power cable on the back of the TV and the power plug on the wall if the power light on the Vizio TV does not turn on.
How to re-insert the power cable in Vizio TV:
- Unplug the power cable from the TV and plug it back in.
- Make sure it is securely attached to the TV.
- Replace the power socket and repeat the operation. If the power cord is connected to a surge protector, make sure it is turned on.
Remote Control Issues
If your Vizio TV does not turn on when you use the remote control, the batteries in the remote control are probably dead. Replace old batteries with new ones and try. If the problem persists, try pressing the power button to turn on the TV. If the TV turns on this way, your remote is broken and it’s time to get a new one.
Power supply
If you do not notice any problems with the remote control, the problem may be due to a faulty power supply. To see if your TV is receiving power, press the Menu button on the remote control and on the TV at the same time. If the menu is displayed, your TV is receiving power. If the menu button does not open the menu, the power supply may be defective and must be reconnected to the power source before turning it on.
Check the power cord
One possible reason for your TV not turning on is a confusing power connection. You must make sure that the TV is properly connected to the mains and that the connection to the outlet is secure. You have to unplug it and plug it back in to see if it works. If this is not the case, you should check if the existing socket is working, as it may be damaged.
Faulty Internal Components
The black screen sometimes does not go away because the problem is internal. Take a flashlight and stand 2 inches away from the screen while flashing the light to see if the image is visible through outside light. If so, your TV’s inverter board has failed.
If that’s not a problem, then you need to look at the inner workings of your TV. Internal components sometimes don’t work properly. If you have never troubleshooted a T-Con board before, we recommend having it checked by an expert. However, if you’ve already tested the T-Con board, here’s what you should do:
- Lay the TV screen down on a flat surface covered with a towel.
- Remove the back panel with a screwdriver.
- Check all fuses (most TVs have 5) to make sure they are not blown. If so, you will need to replace it.
Since it is difficult to replace components or the power board, we recommend that you have a technician inspect and replace your TV’s board. If your TV is still under warranty, contact Vizio Support immediately.
Solutions When Your Vizio TV Won’t Turn On
There are several reasons why your Vizio TV won’t turn on. Simple troubleshooting usually fixes the problem. The best solutions for a Vizio TV that won’t turn on are listed below:
- Check the remote control
- Power supply
- Perform a factory reset
- Recognize a Capacitor Problem
- Eliminate any interference
- Disable CEC
- Try a different outlet
- Replacing the power supply
- Check power cords
- Power cycle
- Contact Vizio Support
- Replacing Internal Components
Let’s look at each solution one by one:
Solution 1 – Check your remote control
Your Vizio TV screen is blank and when you turn it on you get nothing, not even pictures. This is not good at all! If you know what to do, it could be a simple fix.
During a power outage, the TV may not turn on for various reasons.
Mains voltage drops, power fluctuations such as power outages or blackouts, adverse weather conditions, and other factors can all play a role.
Let’s talk about how to solve it:
- Make sure the TV’s power cord is securely plugged into the jack on the back of the TV if it’s detachable. Also, make sure the opposite end of the wire is plugged into an available electrical outlet.
- If it’s plugged into an outlet, make sure it’s turned on, or try just plugging the TV’s power cord into a wall outlet.
- When you press the power button on the remote, the light on the TV should change from red to green, indicating that the TV is on.
- If the TV does not turn on, turn it on using the built-in power button.
Solution 2: Power supply
A power issue is one of the most common reasons why your Vizio TV won’t turn on. Check the power supply by pressing the menu button on your remote control or TV after making sure your remote control is working properly.
If the menu items appear, there is no problem with the TV’s power supply. If the menu item does not appear, check that the TV is properly connected to the power supply. Then go back to menu selection and try again.
Solution 3 – Perform a factory reset
If no other solution works, try a factory reset on your TV. You may hesitate as this will delete all your TV settings and data. However, you can try.
The technique for resetting your Vizio TV to factory settings is as follows:
- Take the remote control and press the menu button.
- Select “System”from the “menu”that appears, then click “OK”.
- After that, click OK and select Reset and Administration.
- Then select “Reset TV to factory settings”and click “OK”.
- It is expected that a password request will appear on the screen. You must enter “0000”unless you have entered a special parent code.
- Vizio TV will now turn off.
- Please wait and watch it; The TV should turn on within 60 seconds.
Any issue related to the device can be resolved by factory reset. By now your TV should be back to normal and turn on.
Solution 4: Recognize the Capacitor Problem
A Vizio TV that won’t turn on can sometimes be fixed by replacing the capacitors.
You can examine the following conditions to see if the problem is with the capacitor or not.
- The top of the condenser may be broken or swollen.
- The TV may restart on its own or sometimes fail to start completely.
- A defective condenser may give off black smoke or toxic fumes.
- Crackling and poor sound quality are other indicators of a poor quality capacitor.
If any of the above faults are found, the capacitors must be replaced.
Solution 5: Remove any clutter
Electronic interference may be causing your TV to be unable to turn on. Move all electrical appliances, such as a microwave or computer, away from the TV.
Because their electrical emissions can interfere with the operation of the TV and cause problems, they should be avoided.
Solution 6 – Disable CEC
HDMI Consumer Electronics Control compatibility is a feature that allows you to control linked gadgets, which can sometimes make it difficult to turn on your TV. Set your TV to green mode.
Follow these steps to disable it:
- Select “SETTINGS”from “MENU”.
- Turn off “CEC”by selecting it.
Solution 7 – Try a different outlet
If the problem persists after following the procedures, try replacing the outlet. Because the power cable may break at times, and the problem may not appear in other outlets.
Try unplugging the power cord and plugging it into another available outlet. If the TV turns on and you hear sound, the problem is with the power cord.
If the TV does not turn on, the problem is in it.
Solution 8: Replace the power supply
If nothing works, you can save your TV by unplugging the power supply and sending it in for repair. Before you begin, make sure your TV’s standby indicator is off. If so, skip this step.
If your power board no longer works, you must contact a repair shop to get a replacement. This is a common problem; if you don’t have electricity, it will be easy to fix. Vizio TV power supplies aren’t known for being reliable, but the good news is that they can be fixed for around $60.
Solution 9: Check the power cords
A loose or broken cord is one of the most common reasons why your TV won’t turn on. Even the most tech-savvy of us can have trouble with a loose power cable.
- Check that the cord is properly connected to the wall outlet and the TV, and that both sockets are connected. Even a slight slack in the power cord can cause your TV to lose power, and it’s not always obvious when your TV is unplugged. its power source.
- Check if the wire is correctly inserted into the socket. It is recommended to disconnect and then reconnect it to keep it safe. Another option is to plug the cable into a different outlet.
- Make sure the cord is securely plugged into the back of the TV after you’ve checked the wall outlet. A bad power cord connection is more common than you might think, especially if you have children or dogs running around the TV, or if the line leading to the extension cord is long.
- Longer runs require tighter cables, which can loosen when the TV is rotated or moved. To make sure the power cord is properly inserted and secured, unplug it from the TV and plug it back in.
If checking the operation of the remote control, checking the TV’s power source (wall socket), and checking the TV’s power cable don’t solve the problem, there are a few more options.
Solution 10: Power Cycle
If you think your Vizio TV has a power problem, the first thing you should do is turn it off and on again. The procedure requires using your TV’s power button. Are there buttons on Vizio TVs? All buttons are located on the back of the device and vary by model or version.
The procedure for turning the Vizio TV’s power on and off is simple and consists of the following steps:
- Unplug the TV cable from the socket and leave it unplugged.
- On the back of your Vizio TV, locate the power button. You’ll have to look closely to see the buttons because they fit together so well.
- To drain any reserve energy, press and hold the button on the TV for approximately 10 seconds.
- Try turning on the TV again.
In most cases, the steps listed above will work. If none of the processes work the first time, repeat the procedure by holding the Power button for at least 10 seconds. Often this is enough to fix the TV and return to rest.
Solution 11 – Contact Vizio Customer Support
If all other troubleshooting methods have failed, it’s time to contact Vizio Customer Support. Their technician can provide specific instructions for your Vizio TV model.
While contacting technical support may resolve the issue, there may be other issues with your TV that you cannot resolve on your own.
Customer Service will help you solve the problem by providing step-by-step instructions over the phone or explaining how to have your TV repaired by authorized personnel.
Solution 12 – Replace internal components
You can troubleshoot boards to find potential power issues if you understand the electronics and how they work.
A faulty power supply board is often the reason why a Vizio TV won’t turn on. Capacitors, transistors, and diodes are typical items that fail on a power supply board.
If your Vizio TV has sufficient power output but refuses to turn on, the most likely cause is a faulty T-Con board. In short, the timer controller board is responsible for signaling the LCD or LED panel. There’s a lot more out there, but that’s the heart of it all.
If you’ve never taken apart a Vizio TV or any other TV, it’s best to have the repair done by a qualified repair technician. The disassembly is very precise, detailed and dangerous! Any wrong move can destroy the TV or yourself with all those tight and fragile wires and powerful circuits.
Vizio TV won’t turn back on and the power light turns off?
Is your Vizio TV not turning on when you use both the remote and the physical button? If so, then the IR receiver is not at fault.
There are two possibilities: a bad power board or a bad system board.
Keep an eye on the TV’s power indicator whenever you unplug and plug your Vizio TV. If it turns on and off quickly, you are getting power, which means the problem is most likely with your system board.
If, on the other hand, it doesn’t turn on and off quickly, your power board may be faulty. To check your results, disconnect/re-insert a few times and watch the indicator.
You will need to take the TV apart to fix both problems. Before purchasing an exact match, you must obtain an engraved board model and model number on a sticker on your power board or system board.
You have to be careful because due to product updates, Vizio TVs of the same model often have different parts, so getting an exact match is very important.
You can perform the steps above without calling a repairman. To resolve the issue, follow the instructions below.
This should be fixed if you have one of the most popular Vizio TVs that won’t turn on but makes a whirring sound or shows snow on the screen.
If your Vizio TV won’t turn on, we’ve listed the most effective solutions to the problem. Patience is required for every step. If nothing works, take advantage of the warranty or send it in for repair if it’s expired.
How to fix Vizio TV if it won’t turn on?
Wait 60 seconds after unplugging the TV. Remove the batteries from the remote control, press and hold the power button for 15 seconds. With or without a remote control, reset your TV to factory settings. Reinstall the power cord at the back of the TV.
Is there a reset button on the Vizio TV?
Press the Menu button on the VIZIO remote. Highlight “System”using the arrow buttons on the remote control and press “OK”. Click OK after selecting Reset and Administration. Press OK after selecting “Reset TV to factory settings”.
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