26 Real Estate Social Media Post Ideas to Attract New Clients

26 Real Estate Social Media Post Ideas to Attract New Clients

According to the 2022 Realtor Survey, social media is the second best source of real estate leads, behind only recommendations. Because of this, 80% of real estate agents plan to devote more time to their social media marketing strategies next year.

Trust and experience are the main qualities that people look for when choosing a real estate agent.

Social media is more than just a way for people to find house listings (although they are great for that). This is where you can showcase your expertise and start developing relationships—and leads—at scale.

Do you want to know how to promote your social media accounts? Here are 26 specific real estate post ideas to help you get more views and leads.

26 Real Estate Social Media Post Ideas to Generate More Potential Clients

1. New announcements

It’s pretty simple, though important. Always share new ads that appear on the market on your social accounts.

And more than once: share them multiple times. Your entire audience won’t see it every time, so a few reposts and reminders will maximize its reach.

Don’t overdo these messages. They may include as little as photographs, basic information about the house or property, and a link to the ad.


2. Video walkthrough

Include video wherever and whenever possible. Include it in your list posts or share short 15-30 second clips as individual posts on Instagram Reels and TikTok.

Nearly 3/4 of your leads (73%) are more likely to contact agents who use video. And 37% of realtors say drone video shooting is one of the most important new marketing trends.


Don’t know how to use video on social media? Check out our complete TikTok guide for businesses.

3. Market update

Whether buying or selling, people tend to keep a close eye on the market for at least a few months before deciding to list or move. Sharing statistics about your local market helps inform your existing customers and puts you ahead of new ones.

Use your local real estate board’s monthly or quarterly reports and create a graphic post, or better yet, a video or TikTok. They are easy to take off and are a great way to make a statement with your personality and presence.


4. Tips for buyers

People want to make an informed choice about the biggest purchase of their lives. Make a list of tips for a wide range of buyers, from those buying their first home to those looking to invest.

Video dominates, but all types of social media content are suitable for this.


5. Mistakes to avoid

Share what you’ve learned over the years working with your clients, or the top mistakes you think people make. Even better, be vulnerable and share your mistakes from past purchases or investments.


6. Guide to the neighborhood

Whether you’re buying or selling, your customers’ choice largely depends on the area they’re located in or want to live in. Locals may know the best restaurants, but they won’t know the current average selling price or the demographics of the people who want to move there.

Area guides are even more important for shoppers moving to a new city. They want to know what they can’t find on Google.

Carousel posts, videos, and TikTok are great for highlighting a particular area with your personal ideas.

7. Facts about the area

Publishing statistics for a specific area can help attract potential customers looking to locate their home in the area. It showcases your expertise on a micro-local level, giving the client confidence that you can deliver the best results.

It’s also valuable information for those looking to buy in the area, giving them an idea of ​​price points and what to expect.


8. History of the area

The local history is interesting. It shows your connection to where you live and work and doesn’t come across as “selling”content.

These fun facts are perfect for local historical celebrations or anniversaries, or a #ThrowbackThursday post.


9. Makeover at home

Sellers are always looking for tips to maximize the sale price, and buyers are often looking to renovate or at least make small changes to their new home. Share photos of large-scale renovations or quick before and after transformations for inspiration.

If possible, please share your real listings or properties that you have personally renovated and the results. Did this result in a higher selling price? Several suggestions?

10. Interior inspirations

Help potential clients visualize the possibilities of their new home by sharing “dream home” level shots. While this is likely to be out of reach for the average buyer or seller, everyone loves to dream a little during the moving process. This is great inspiration!

If you don’t have stunning interior shots from current or previous listings, share photos from your peers or partners, such as custom build magazines or design magazines. Wherever they come from, always give credit to the photos you share.

Bonus Tip: Use Hootsuite’s built-in content management tools to easily find and share these types of posts. Here’s how:

11. Tips for maximizing the value of your home

Renovations and refurbishments are an important part of adding value to a home, but you can also share more practical tips, like the little details that make a difference in home photos. Or if upgrading your stove to be more energy efficient might be a good idea before selling.

As a bonus, offer your audience a free home valuation to attract potential customers.

12. Housekeeping Tips

Educate first-time homebuyers on essential home maintenance tasks and advise sellers on how to prepare their homes for sale.

You can share everything from when to change your roof to simple things like how to clean your dishwasher.


13. Polls

Perfect for Instagram Stories content, polls are an easy way to engage your audience and learn more about them. Stories polls make it easy to vote (and analyze the results), but you can also create a poll in any photo or text message by asking people to comment with an “A”or “B”or a specific emoji.

14. Reviews

Quality photos can bring in new leads, but testimonials are what sell them. Don’t be afraid to share the same review twice. Not everyone will see it for the first time, and cycling every few months doesn’t clutter up your profile.

Create a design template, preferably with multiple variations. You can then create and schedule testimonial schedules in bulk. Very simple.

15. Beginner Buyer’s Guide

Real estate can be overwhelming for first time buyers. Be their guide—literally.

This agent offers a downloadable “shopper package”on their website. Of course, email is required to receive it. This is a great way to get new leads and grow your real estate email list.


16. Photo “Just sold”

Showcasing your sold listings is important in demonstrating that you can actually sell at home, but it’s even more effective when you add in human interaction.

Your customers needed a quick sale, but did you get it? Sell ​​your start-up capital to successfully build your dream home? Or rely on your expert advice to buy your first investment property?

You don’t need a 1,000-word opus here, but a little history of the sale will help humanize your brand. Potential clients see you as both a capable real estate agent and a real person who understands their needs.

17. Open day

While most of your sales probably come from 1:1 showings, open houses are still an important part of real estate marketing.

Instead of forcing people to sift through all your listings, do a weekly review of all of your upcoming open days with locations and dates. So people can visit more than one and it’s a new way to share your current listings again.


18. Customer evaluation activities

Events can take a lot of work to organize, but they’re great for attracting past customers, getting referrals, and marketing materials. Share photos or videos from your last barbecue, pumpkin patch day, or other community event.

Get more attendees at your upcoming events with these 6 social media event promotion tips.

19. Community involvement

Show that you care about your community by taking part in high-profile events such as heritage days or festivals, or raise money for charity.

You don’t want to appear boastful, so don’t volunteer and fundraise just for a photo shoot. Share your sincere passion for helping organizations that matter to you.

20. The function of an agent or team member

If you work in a team, please list an agent or employee. Your audience will feel more connected to a team they know a little about, especially if they can identify with it.

Work alone? Instead, tell us a little about yourself (or your dog).

21. In the spotlight of a partner

There are many people you rely on: photographers, mortgage brokers, staging and cleaning companies, etc. Tell your industry partners on social media and they might reciprocate.

What’s more, it shows potential clients that you have the right connections to help get the job done.

22. Local business in the spotlight

Show customers where they can drink the best cocktails or go to weekend brunch. Highlight the best local businesses that your customers will love to discover in their new area.

Be sure to tag the company so they can share your post, introducing you to more local eyes.


LOCAL SPOTLIGHT??Namikaze is located off of Champlain & Perrin, they have delicious sushi, cooked dishes, and a full service bar! Grab a friend or loved one and enjoy!☺️ #dbeshsells #local #localbusiness #supportlocal #eatlocal #sushi #sushitime #foodie #bestsushispot #realtor #yourrealtor

♬ Pocketful of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield

23. Memes and funny content

If it suits your brand, add humor to your social feed with relevant memes. Everyone loves to laugh, especially when it comes to useful information.

24. Contests

Everyone loves the chance to win free stuff. You don’t need an expensive prize to generate a lot of leads, but make sure it’s something that many people will enjoy. (Headphones are a great example.)

This contest asks people to call to enter. While communicating with potential leads is a great conversion strategy, you can make your contest easier to run by collecting lead information (phone number, email address, etc.) on a landing page or through Facebook ads. If you simplify the process, more people will enter.

Check out more social media contest ideas.

25. Interesting or Notable Lists

People love interesting houses. Share something of interest from your field, whether it’s a record-breaking sale (especially if you’ve sold it) or a unique ad that’s sure to grab attention and boost your engagement.


26. Behind the scenes

We all love to look into someone else’s life, and your clients are no exception. Some potential clients might think that houses mostly sell on their own. Show them the work involved in negotiating contracts, negotiating offers, developing a listing strategy, and arranging a photo shoot.

Showing how hard you work for your clients is the best way to convince skeptical leads.

Best Practices for Real Estate Social Media Marketing

1. Define your target audience

No, your audience is not “everyone who wants to buy or sell”. Are you after luxury home buyers? Specializes in the sale of city apartments? Whatever your “cause”is, really hone in on who you serve and how to attract them.

Not sure what your people want to see? Find out in our guide to analyzing your target market.

2. Choose the right social media platform(s).

You don’t need to be on TikTok…unless your target audience exists.

You don’t have to post stories on Instagram every day…unless your target audience watches them every day.

You get the idea. Yes, you should choose social platforms that you personally like, but the most important factor will always be where your audience hangs out. Meet your people where they are.

3. Understanding Social Media Trends

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel with every new social post. Sure, you can follow trends to potentially go viral, but you also need to know the ins and outs of every platform you work on.

This means understanding everything from demographics to the types of posts that work best. Luckily, we have you too with our free 2022 Social Trends Report. This is everything you need to know to be successful on social media now and in the future.

4. Plan Your Content Ahead

Are you busy! You don’t have to be glued to your phone all day to keep social media marketing going.

You can use Hootsuite to compose, preview, schedule and share all of your social media posts.

And not just for one platform. Hootsuite works with Facebook, Instagram (yes, including Reels), TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest.

You can even use Hootsuite’s Bulk Composer to schedule hundreds of posts across multiple social profiles. It’s a game changer if you use real estate social media and support multiple agents to promote their listings.

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