5 Reasons TikTok is Scary (BEST Possible)

5 Reasons TikTok is Scary (BEST Possible)

Perhaps you don’t trust your dance moves. Maybe you don’t think you’re cool enough. You may not be able to keep up with the endless trends and challenges that come and go just as quickly.

Maybe you are not sure that you belong.

TikTok can be intimidating and, dare we say, even a little overwhelming. But will you believe us when we say that this is what makes it exciting?

It’s true: the same thing that makes you sweat nervously is what makes this app so addictive. And powerful. And effectively.

This is where the real value for your business lies.

Not quite sure you’re on board? We’ve covered a few of the most common doubts when it comes to using TikTok for business and explained why they actually represent a huge opportunity.

Read on to discover the real potential of TikTok.

1. TikTok is completely different

The social media strategies you use on any other channel will not work on TikTok. None of your hard-won ideas apply.

You’ve spent ages figuring out exactly what you need to do on every single network, and now you’re terrified that you’ll have to throw it all out the window. (Can you even imagine treating TikTok in the same way as Twitter?!)

Why is it really an opportunity

TikTok is very different from any other social media platform, yes. But it’s NOT bad. It also means that the issues you struggle with on other social networks are not relevant here.

Reduced organic reach? Haven’t heard of her.

The number of followers on TikTok matters much less than anywhere else. This is because the TikTok algorithm is a recommendation engine designed to show you videos it thinks you’ll like based on user interaction (such as which videos you’ve watched or liked before), categories you’ve marked as interesting, and much more.

TikTok itself even says that “TikTok’s algorithm is based on interaction with content, not social connections.”Here it is.

What to do with it

You don’t have to completely reinvent the wheel to get your business on TikTok, but you do need to get back to the basics of a good social strategy.

Ask yourself: what does your audience want?

As long as your content is relevant to your audience, they can find them on TikTok. This is your chance to do something new. Nerves? Yes, but also exciting.

2. TikTok is backed by cultural tastemakers

What cool lives and dies on TikTok. And a lot of that is driven by the young demographics that make up the majority of the user base.

As a result, TikTok has become a culture and trend engine that dictates what’s cool not just on social media, but in real life: in fashion, food, music, pop culture, everywhere.

This can be intimidating because marketing to these groups is notoriously difficult. Your brand can be accepted one minute and avoided the next.

Why is it really an opportunity

Yes, TikTok is Gen Z’s home base (it’s the perfect place to connect with them, by the way) and the app’s big cultural impact stems from them, but they’re not the only ones: American TikTok users aged 35 to 54 are more than triple that. with last year. (Read this again.)

In addition, older people are increasingly using TikTok to challenge stereotypes and define what’s cool, and are welcomed with open arms.

So you can connect with “cool”people in any demographic on TikTok, but more importantly, it’s not just “cool”people who can be tastemakers anymore. TikTok has opened the door for casual hobbyists, eclectic subcultures and aesthetics, and traditionally “uncool”or unknown communities to not only gather but thrive.

There is no other cool one.

Users organize around niches – and there is one for everything. Yes indeed. Even those. Even finances. Even the law. Even B2B. Even [insert your industry here].

TikTok is suitable for any business.

You don’t have to squeeze yourself into boxes that you just don’t fit into. So, challenge what you think is cool. Because TikTok makes extensive use of things that aren’t traditional or mainstream, as long as they feel authentic.

What doesn’t work is pretending to be cool or trying to be cool if you’re just… no.

What to do with it

All this is good news for your business. This means you don’t have to indulge in superficially cool things to be popular. You just need to find the right people and get your content across in the right ways.

First, find out what your brand is about and truly rely on it. Don’t try to be something you’re not: tiktokers will throw you to the wolves for that.

Second, figure out where your audience hangs in the app.

Do they read #BookTok? Getting stronger in #PlantTok? Vibrating with #CottageCore? Dig around and watch TikTok videos to find your niche. (Let’s call it research.)

But don’t stop there.

Create videos about their hobbies — things that can touch them, entertain them, or even teach them something new. Comment on videos posted by other members of the subculture. And, if you have the opportunity, collaborate with creators in your niche.

Why? They boost results: 42% of users learn about new products from creator-sponsored TikTok, and creators have 20% higher buying intent.

Looking for a cheat code for what the fuck! actually happening on TikTok? Check out Make it Make Sense: A Guide to TikTok Culture for a quick understanding of top creators, popular subcultures, and more.

3. TikTok trends change at lightning speed

TikTok is where trends are born. It is at the forefront of culture. But things move so damn fast that it’s hard to keep up, let alone create content that actually works.

And there are so damn many trends that even if you could keep up, you wouldn’t be able to keep up with them all. You can’t be accused of wondering: what’s the point of even trying?

Why is it really an opportunity

The eternal struggle of every social media manager (we all know this all too well): what the hell am I posting today? And tomorrow? And in a day? And so on and so forth…?

Filling your calendar with fresh, smart, and interesting content is one of the hardest parts of the job.

The whiplash speed and sheer number of trends on TikTok can be intimidating at first, but look at it the other way: it’s also an ENDLESS fountain of content ideas.

The entire platform is designed around the idea of ​​recycling, remixing and collaboration. So there is always something to post on TikTok.

What to do with it

TikTok is full of content ideas, so take advantage of them.

But – and this is important – don’t feel like you have to jump on every passing trend. In addition to the fact that we’re pretty sure it’s not humanly possible, we also don’t recommend doing it.

Trying to do all this will mean that what you are actually doing is too diffuse. Not every trend will be YOUR trend, and that’s okay. Picking the wrong trend often makes your brand look worse than if you didn’t do anything at all. You will know the correct one when you see it.

Instead, focus on consistently creating good, valuable content. Treat trends like your personal repository of ideas.

The good news is that even if you never get caught up in any one trend, just being familiar with them will put you ahead of the curve.

Why? Because TikTok trends are at the forefront of cultural zeitgeist and what you see there will be popular everywhere in about two weeks.

So even if you don’t have the time or resources to follow a trend like you do on TikTok, you will at least get links and be ready to use them on other social networks later (if appropriate, course).

Our TikTok Trends newsletter can help. This is your weekly update on the latest TikTok trends, whether you should jump on them (or not), tips from other in-app companies, and hot tips so you can live your best TikTok life.

4. TikTok is a good video

Video is EVERYTHING on TikTok, which might make you think that you need professional video production skills to make good TikTok videos.

Not having the right equipment, skills, or (let’s face it) budget can be a huge hurdle when it comes to creating great social content. And some of the most popular TikTok videos seem to be filled with quirky editing tricks and effects.

Why is it really an opportunity

An app might be dedicated to video, but that doesn’t mean it’s made for glossy videos.

Authenticity rules on TikTok. Sometimes videos with a large amount of work become popular, but more often than not, sketchy materials made by one’s own hands end up in #fyp.

Globally, an average of 64% of TikTok users say they can be themselves on TikTok, while an average of 56% say they can post videos they wouldn’t post elsewhere. It is important to note that this is what they like about the app and this is what they want to see from the business as well.

In fact, 65% of TikTok users agree that professional-looking videos from brands feel out of place or weird on TikTok, according to research conducted by TikTok with Flamingo (Global Science Community and Self-expression Study 2021).

Authenticity is just good business: 56% of users and 67% of creators feel closer to the brands they see on TikTok, especially when they post human, raw content.

What to do with it

Users don’t want polish, they want the real thing. So just be yourself — mistakes and all.

The best equipment for filming is what you already have: a mobile phone. Use TikTok itself for video editing (it has a TON of easy-to-use features). And if you need a little help, check out our TikTok video tutorial, where the creator walks you through the process of making your first video step by step.

If the style of your video isn’t that important, then what is? Its content. In addition to the bottomless supply of trend-fueled content ideas, there are plenty of other publishing opportunities.

You can show people a day in the life of your business. Give them a peek behind the scenes. Teach them something new. Tell them a story. Select a new product. Show off your most interesting employees. The possibilities are endless.

5. TikTok is full of brands doing interesting things.

Retail and B2C brands tend to get the most attention for doing interesting things on TikTok.

You only need to look at services like Chipotle and Gymshark that track trends, run popular hashtag challenges, and garner millions of followers to see them in action.

Seeing all these brands being touted as success stories can be a little intimidating.

You don’t want to be a boring party guest. And TikTok seems like a place where your brand has to be super cool, trendy, or provocative — and that just doesn’t come naturally to your brand or industry.

Why is it really an opportunity

B2B businesses (as well as many service companies) often operate in very niche areas with very niche audiences. On other networks, this works against you.

But the TikTok algorithm is more likely to get your very niche content to the very niche audience most likely to genuinely enjoy it. So TikTok actually serves B2B businesses (and other not-so-great brands) better than other social networks.

Just like you don’t need to make glossy movies to be successful on TikTok, you also don’t need to make flashy videos to reach YOUR people.

Entertainment is one of the most popular content types on the platform, it’s true. But people often forget about the other two: inspiration and education.

The secret to TikTok content success is right in front of you: TikTokers LOVE learning. And few companies are better placed to create educational content than B2B brands. (It’s also an ideal strategy for many types of businesses, from banks to law firms.)

This is content that you are probably already good at creating for other marketing channels. You just need to start adapting that mindset to TikTok.

If you’re STILL not sure you belong, consider this: 13.9% of B2B decision makers who use social media for work say TikTok influences their buying decisions. This simply wouldn’t happen if there were no B2B brands in the app. And think about it while you do it: TikTok videos using the #Finance hashtag have 6.6 billion views. We rest.

What to do with it

Good news! TikTok users are very willing to watch content from brands: 73% of TikTok users say they feel more connected to brands on TikTok than on other sites and apps, and 56% feel more positive about a brand after seeing it on TikTok.

How do you give them these pleasant sensations?

Make a deal with your audience by helping them learn something new – 38% of TikTok users said a brand feels authentic when it teaches them something.

You can’t ignore the power of TikTok (even if it makes you nervous)

Taking risks with any new platform can seem intimidating. Nobody wants to invest their time, energy, or precious budget into something and get nothing tangible or measurable in return.

But the good news is that this is unlikely to happen with TikTok.

This is an amazing place to get new eyeballs, it’s true. So good, in fact, that 70% of TikTokers say they’ve discovered new products and brands on the platform that fit their lifestyle. (Remember what we told you earlier about this magical algorithm?)

But it’s not just for brand awareness. Heard about the little thing called #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt? 14 BILLION views (and growing) is a force to be reckoned with.

TikTok also has a purchase intent:

  • 93% of users took an action after watching a TikTok video
  • 57% of users agree that TikTok inspired them to buy even if they didn’t want to.
  • TikTokers are 1.5 times more likely to immediately exit and buy something they discover on the platform compared to users on other platforms.

However, TikTok users aren’t just more likely to buy. They also attract consumers who are 2.4 times more likely than other platform users to post and tag a brand after purchasing a product, and 2 times more likely to leave comments or DMs about a brand after making a purchase.

TikTok is built for discovery. And consideration. And conversions. And customer loyalty too.

Start with baby steps

TikTokers will have a hard time seeing your business if you’re not on the platform, so show yourself.

Sign up for a TikTok for Business account. Create content that shows the value of your product or service and your brand. Interact with your audience. Join the community.

Then (and this is important) MEASURE it all.

Add a link to your bio and use UTM so you can track traffic and conversions in your website analytics. Track your reach, engagement, and other key metrics with a social media management platform like Hootsuite to schedule your TikTok videos, manage comments, and most importantly, measure TikTok along with all your other social channels. TikTok even has a customer relationship management (CRM) integration, so you can set up a direct flow of leads using LeadsBridge or Zapier.

So now you see that the reasons why you are nervous about TikTok are the very same reasons why you need to give it a try. Check out Make it Make Sense: A Guide to TikTok Culture for a crash course on what people do on TikTok and why it matters so you can create a strategy that connects and delivers tangible business results.

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