8 Best AI Copywriting Tools (Beyond ChatGPT)

8 Best AI Copywriting Tools (Beyond ChatGPT)

AI copywriting tools seem to be everywhere, from content generators to e-commerce chatbots. There is a good reason for this: AI can save you a lot of time and money. Two things we all love, right?

But like most tools, AI copywriters are only as powerful as the person who uses them. Beyond knowing how to use it, you need to know when to use AI copywriting and when to use your team’s real human brains.

Try these 8 AI-powered copywriting tools to save time and power up your marketing efforts (while still keeping yourself busy).

What is AI copywriting?

AI copywriting is the process of using natural language processing software combined with the power of machine learning to create content for blog posts, social media, emails, scripts, and more. Content written by an AI copywriter should sound like it was written by a human, but it takes very little time to create it.

Who can benefit from AI copywriting?

It’s like asking, “Who benefits from saving time and money?”

But first, let’s address the elephant in the room: AI isn’t stealing our jobs. I’ve seen tons of chatter from other writers concerned that ChatGPT and other copywriters using natural language models will make us all obsolete.

Kaylee Moore summarizes the truth well:

Another day, another post from a scared freelance writer who is worried that AI/ChatGPT will eat his lunch.

I’ve said it before and I want to say it again: we can’t compete with robots; we can only take advantage of them or double our areas of expertise. pic.twitter.com/MBLSd3jsfG

— Kaylee Moore (@kaleighf) March 9, 2023

Making and using tools is how humanity has evolved, from prehistoric stone knives to horses and carts, and now to microchips and computer software.

You are human. AI is a tool. Use it and develop.

But how? We all learn as we go, but here are some examples of how AI can help you work smarter, not harder.

Marketers and Social Media Managers

AI copywriters can’t create your marketing strategy from scratch, but they can:

  • Offer KPIs to track, hashtag ideas, and more.
  • List the social media goals for your next campaign.
  • Create summaries and excerpts for web content, internal strategy documents, and more.
  • Think of social media post ideas.
  • Conduct user research and surveys with chatbots.

By letting an AI chatbot take over audience research, you’ll save 20 hours a week, assuming the average marketer spends 48% of their time collecting and analyzing market research data.

57% of marketers already believe that chatbots help them better understand their audience, as well as screen leads, educate customers, etc.

Source: Marketing Trends.

We already know this is true: our proprietary AI chatbot, Heyday, automates up to 90% of support tasks at 25% less cost to our customers and, most importantly, delivers nearly 100% customer satisfaction.

Intrigued? Learn about all the benefits of using chatbots with artificial intelligence for business.


Let AI be your assistant so you can focus on why people pay you and not a robot: your unique voice and writing style.

Use AI to:

  • Generate ideas and inspiration, A/B test ad copy options, SEO keywords, or even a basic plan.
  • Put something on the page to overcome writer’s block.
  • Consider a heading or heading options.
  • Translate content into multiple languages.

Business Owners

You’re already wearing a lot of hats, so let the AI ​​take some of the pressure off you.

AI copywriters can save business owners time by:

  • Creation of web and social media content, so you only need to set it up and not write from scratch.
  • Drafting email responses.
  • Wrap up meetings and send notes to your team.


Whether you’re a mall anchor or starting a new e-commerce business, AI copywriting can dramatically increase your productivity by:

  • Taking care of customer service and sales via chatbot.
  • Generating product lists, copy ads, emails and more.
  • Quickly create multiple versions of pages or ads for A/B testing or language/location optimization.

Best Practices for AI Copywriting

Fact check everything

A recent study used ChatGPT to write abstracts for scientific articles and found that peer reviewers—real scientists who review research for a living—can only identify 68% of fake abstracts generated by ChatGPT.

If you use these tools, you are responsible for the accuracy of your content.

While your marketing copy is not as important to the survival of humanity as the validity of scientific discoveries, it is still important to have a proper fact-checking process. AI copywriting tools can save you a lot of time, but leaving out false information can cause irreparable damage to your reputation and credibility.

Be mindful of the limits of AI

The term “artificial intelligence”can be misleading. AI tools don’t really think about generating new ideas about the world like we humans do. They can only synthesize the information that they have been given or that they have previously received in order to resolve the issue (or “hint”) they are currently working on.

In short, AI is only as “intelligent”as the algorithm it is based on.

For example, a study measuring the accuracy of an app designed to detect skin cancers found that AI cannot reliably tell the difference between actual lesions and common imperfections in digital photographs, such as overexposure.

Copy AI tools can save a lot of time when generating ideas or drafting, but they can’t “see the forest for the trees”as the old saying goes. AI can absolutely help you, but leave the general mindset to humans.

Change AI copy

AI-generated content is far from a finished product, even if it looks like it.

For example, I asked ChatGPT to write a paragraph about my favorite dog breed. It gave me this:

Sounds ok, right? But I checked the paragraph through a free online plagiarism checker:

Source: Grammar

Yes. Using this content as is may compromise your reputation and cause serious legal problems for your business. Plus, let’s face it, it’s lazy.

Are you using AI copywriting tools to inspire and inform your work? Smart.

Use artificial intelligence copywriters to do your work for you and pass it off as 100% original? Not cool.

What solution? Even ten minutes of editing can eliminate any plagiarism or brand voice issues:

Named after the founder of the breed, Carl Dobermann, Doberman Pinschers are smart, loyal, courageous and, as any Dobie owner will tell you, very affectionate. They have black or brown coats with rust marks and a smooth, muscular body. They are classified as medium to large dogs but mysteriously expand at night to cover an entire king size bed. Their natural protective instincts often lead to careers as police and military dogs, but they also do well as pets if their needs for plenty of exercise and daily belly rubs are met.

Much better (besides my grammar):

Source: Grammar

Get creative yourself

Use AI copywriters for inspiration, but don’t rely on them to fill your content calendar.

For example, I asked Copy.ai to give me some ideas for a blog:

Source: Copy.ai

I wouldn’t want to use any of these general headings as is, but this list is great for kicking off some topic ideas, like number 4 on trends. Although I would rename it “The 11 Most Important Social Media Trends for 2023”.

Relying on AI copywriters to think too much is not as effective as it seems at first glance. Soon enough, your audience will decide that your content suddenly sounds like every other company in your field, or it’s not exactly what they’re looking for. The world’s most powerful artificial intelligence is still no substitute for your (comparatively) puny human brain’s ability to build relationships.

The 8 Best AI Tools for Copywriting for 2023

1. GPT Chat

ChatGPT is not the first AI-based copywriting tool ever created, but it is one of the most recognizable after it caused a stir on the internet after its viral launch in November 2022.

The familiar chat-style interface of ChatGPT is easy for anyone to get started, even if you’ve never heard of generative AI software before. The sophistication of ChatGPT interoperability has attracted so much attention over the past six months. Not only can it understand what you ask it, which is called “natural language processing”, but it also remembers your conversation history and adjusts its answers accordingly, instead of being a “one-hit miracle”when every new question you ask, as your first interaction.


ChatGPT offers a free tier and ChatGPT Plus for $20/month.

Response speed was the main difference between accounts until March 14, 2023 when ChatGPT-4 was released and is currently only available to Plus customers.

Who is ChatGPT for?

ChatGPT is very versatile, but is especially well suited for content marketers looking to increase the production of articles, reports, or other current publishing needs. OpenAI states that the GPT-4 “demonstrates human-level performance”in many scenarios, including passing the bar exam.

2. AI OwlyWriter in Hootsuite

Did you know that Hootsuite comes with OwlyWriter AI, a built-in artificial intelligence creative tool that saves hours of work for social media professionals?

You can use OwlyWriter to:

  • Write a new social media caption in a specific tone based on the clue.
  • Write a post based on the link (like a blog post or product page)
  • Generate post ideas based on a keyword or topic (and then write posts that expand on the idea you like best)
  • Identify and repurpose your top performing posts
  • Create appropriate captions for upcoming holidays

To get started with OwlyWriter, sign in to your Hootsuite account and navigate to the Inspiration section of your dashboard. Then select the type of AI magic you want to see in action.

For example, if you don’t know what to post, click Get Inspired. Then enter the high-level general topic you want to cover and click Get Ideas.

OwlyWriter will generate a list of related post ideas:

Click on the one you like the most to move on to the next step – captions and hashtags.

Choose the caption you like and click “Publish Crete”. The signature will open in Hootsuite Composer, where you can make changes, add media and links, check the copy against your guidelines—and schedule the post to be published later.

That’s all! OwlyWriter never runs out of ideas, so you can repeat this process until your social media calendar is full – and sit back and watch your engagement grow.


OwlyWriter is included with all Hootsuite plans starting at $99/month.

Who is Jasper for?

OwlyWriter is perfect for busy social media marketers, content creators, and business owners. If your work is related to writing texts for social networks in any capacity, this tool is for you!

3. Jasper

Jasper prides itself on creating human written content built with teamwork in mind. It’s like the Google Workspace of AI copywriters. Jasper’s template library and cloud storage make it a great choice for companies of all sizes to easily create, edit, and approve project copies.

Jasper uses a document style interface. You provide a brief description of the content you want, including tone options, SEO keywords, and more.

Source: Jasper


Jasper offers a free trial of up to 10,000 words of content. Paid plans are based on word count and range from $24 to $500 per month.

Who is Jasper for?

Jasper is ideal for keeping marketing and content teams in sync and on brand. Jasper’s business plan includes a signature voice analyzer tone to match its content with the tone of your existing content.

4. Copy.ai

Copy.ai creates nearly publish-ready drafts that require only minimal human editing. The process is similar to hiring a human writer – give them a topic, some creative direction, approve the generated outline, and you’re done – but it all takes just a few minutes. Copy.ai creates articles, social media posts, sales emails and more.

The step-by-step short format makes it easy to get started, as are the built-in templates, and I was able to create this blog post in just a few minutes:

Source: Copy.ai


Get up to 2,000 words per month for free, or subscribe for $49 per month to get unlimited words, automated workflows, translation tools, and more.

Who is Copy.ai for?

Can you really call AI-generated text “thinking leadership”? Questionable. However, it is by far one of the most powerful AI-based copywriting tools for individual marketers or teams to help you improve productivity.

5. QuillBot

QuillBot doesn’t draw content from instructions like other AI copywriters do. This is for rehashing existing content in new and creative ways. In addition to the major synonym changes, QuillBot can also simplify content for brevity and clarity, or expand it with useful details. It also has unique extensions such as an AI search tool for web research, a citation generator, and a “collaborative writing”sentence completion facility.

Source: QuillBot


The free plan limits are 125 words for paraphrasing and 2500 words for summarizing with only basic options. The $19.95/month Premium Plan offers unlimited words, additional paraphrase modes, anti-plagiarism tools, and more.

Who is QuillBot for?

QuillBot is great for content repurposing, including simplifying and rewriting sections of articles to use as social media posts or create multiple versions. This is a quick and easy way to try AI copywriting.

6. Melody words

Wordtune is another AI rephrase tool that improves the clarity and readability of your writing. Just like with QuillBot, you can change the tone of your content, as well as shorten or expand it. Wordtune also has what it calls “seasoning”to add a bit of oomph, including statistics, facts, and even jokes.

Source: Wordtune

Is this a joke about coffee in your nose? No, but for AI it’s not scary.


The free plan allows you to re-record up to 10 times per day or get unlimited access for $9.99 per month.

Who is Wordtune for?

From freelancers to content professionals, Wordtune can help you overcome author block, repurpose content, and engage your audience faster by clarifying your message.

7. Concept of AI

Imagine: all the productive power of a spreadsheet combined with document formatting options mixed with the aesthetics of an iced coffee on a sunny patio. This is Notion, a to-do and notes app known for its beautiful and functional templates.

Notion also has a built-in artificial intelligence tool. It mainly focuses on productivity tasks, but there are powerful AI copywriting features, including jargon elimination, brainstorming ideas, and even writing full articles.

Source: Concept


The concept itself is free. Notion AI is a premium add-on for $10 per month per user.

Who is the concept of AI for?

This is no problem for existing Notion users, as well as marketers of all kinds who want to try copying AI and are looking for a flexible space for team notes and to-dos.

8. Deep L

One of the best use cases for AI copywriting is to improve localization through content translation. DeepL uses AI to translate your content efficiently while retaining its meaning and nuance. Of course, at a fraction of the cost of hiring human translators.

However, as with content created from scratch, you’ll need someone to review it to make sure it’s an accurate translation. Not only for readability, but also to avoid any potential legal and/or public disasters, such as if your translated copy doesn’t exactly match the original.

Source: DeepL


You can translate up to 3 documents and 3000 characters for free. The Pro plan, which ranges from $8 to $57 per month, gives you unlimited transfers and more.

Who is DeepL for?

DeepL can be used for any type of document, so it’s ideal for businesses expanding into new regions. Large companies also benefit from the cost savings of only needing translators to edit DeepL results.

AI Copywriting: Frequently Asked Questions

Who is an AI copywriter?

AI copywriter is a term that refers to copywriting software that generates articles, landing pages, website copy, social media posts, and more based on the hints and instructions you give it. AI copywriters use machine learning algorithms to create human-sounding content on a large scale.

Is AI replacing copywriting?

AI copywriters do not replace real content authors. Smart marketers use AI-powered copywriting software for smaller tasks, including idea generation and research, so they can focus on what really matters: writing engaging content. Any AI-generated copy still needs a human to edit it for style, content, and actual accuracy.

What is the best AI tool for content writing?

The best AI copywriting software depends on your writing process and goals. Some AI copywriters excel at repurposing content or adding natural-sounding SEO keywords, while others create brand drafts that only need a little editing before publishing. Decide first which part of your process to automate and then find the best AI copywriting tool.

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