Final Fantasy XIV: How to Get the Islander Kauri

Final Fantasy XIV: How to Get the Islander Kauri

In Final Fantasy XIV, you must obtain the Islander’s Kauri if you are in the Sanctuary of the Island. This is the currency you will use there. But while it may seem confusing, getting one is easier than you might think. So, in this guide, let’s see how to get Islander Kauri in FFXIV and how to use them.

How to get the Kauri Islander in FFXIV

You can get Islander Kauri by selling items to an enterprising exporter. Islander Kauri is one of two currencies that you can obtain and use in Island Sanctuary. The second currency is the sailor’s kauri. Enterprising Exporter is an NPC you can find in the hut.

The main thing you need to do to start earning it is to make a cabin and reach rank 2.

  1. Go to the left seller, this is an enterprising exporter.
  2. Talk to them and select the “Sell Materials”option.
  3. This will bring up a popup that will show you all the items you can sell from your island inventory.
  4. Here, select all the products you want to sell to an enterprising exporter. Some of the materials from the island that you can sell to them are:
    • palm leaf
    • branch off
    • Apple
    • Island
    • Magazine
    • Sand
    • Glanders
    • Vine
    • In addition, you can also sell rare materials and produce.
  5. Confirm the items you are selling and depending on the number of items sold, you will receive an Islander Kauri in return.

Tip here: make sure you sell any materials that take up your inventory. And, of course, you can always sell the materials you don’t need. Now that you have a large number of island cowries, it’s time to use them.

How to Use the Islander Kauri

Image Credit: Quazii on YouTube

You can use the islander’s kauri to buy items from the Dread Fence.

  1. Go to the hut and you should find Horrendous Hoarder to your right.
  2. Select “Buy items with the islander’s kauri”.
  3. Here you can buy goods from the Other section. These include things like
    • fieldcracker
    • Diffuser of glamor
    • Hi Cordial
    • Several different types of Matter
  4. Select the items you want to buy and confirm your purchase.

That goes for this guide on how to get Islander Kauri in Final Fantasy XIV and how to use them.

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