Google Search AI now searches for a general consensus to show the most reliable results

Google Search AI now searches for a general consensus to show the most reliable results

Google Search is further improving its artificial intelligence. Now it can evaluate the reliability of the result and warn you if the search results are of questionable quality.

When searching on Google, some “optimized excerpts”are highlighted at the top of the results page. The idea of ​​the American giant is to offer a quick answer to your question. Today, Mountain View is even more confident that this information is safe and accurate with its latest intelligence model, the Multitasking Unified Model. The AI ​​will now seek consensus before deciding to put forward a specific answer.

Google Search continues to improve its artificial intelligence

Thus, the Google search algorithm will be responsible for comparing information from sources of different quality on the Internet. The AI ​​can determine if there is a general consensus on that exact answer, even if said sources use different words or concepts to describe the same fact or idea. Google explains that this “consensus-based method has greatly improved the quality and usefulness of these content highlights.”

However, for some queries, displaying content in this way is not the best way to provide information. To deal with this, Google has tuned its AI for this particular update to reduce the feature triggering for such requests by 40%.

Now this can evaluate the reliability of the result

Google is also making the About This Result tool more accessible. This is the panel that appears when you click on the three small dots next to the result, showing you the details of the source before you even visit it. It will soon be available in eight additional languages ​​including Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese and Indonesian. More information will also be added to the tool this week, including message distribution, online reviews of a company, or information about whether that company is owned by another person. This kind of information can help you decide if a source is trustworthy or not.

and warn you if search results are of dubious quality

Finally, in the event that Google’s artificial intelligence determines that search results may be of questionable quality, an informational message will be displayed on the results page. “It doesn’t look like there are many good results for this search,”prompting you to check the source you’re viewing or try to narrow down your search. This should help you stay alert and spot possible misinformation when viewing the suggested results.

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