How to set up iPhone for gaming

How to set up iPhone for gaming

Apple is known for optimizing its devices well. The new generation of iPhones are perfectly in sync in terms of hardware and software, making them perfect for gaming. However, nothing comes easy and perfect! You’ll have to make a few changes to your iPhone if you’re serious about gaming.

Don’t worry! In this article, I’ll help you set up your iPhone for gaming and improve performance.

  1. Update your iPhone to the latest OS version
  2. Turn on Game Focus Mode and turn off Bluetooth
  3. Disable automatic downloads
  4. Clear Your iPhone’s Storage
  5. Do not play while your phone is charging
  6. Choose the right gaming accessories
  7. Decrease brightness
  8. Clear cache data
  9. Clear iPhone RAM
  10. Remove iPhone case while playing

1. Update your iPhone to the latest OS version

Apple is releasing new software updates to fix bugs that might interfere with your gaming experience. Thus, facilitating the smooth running of the latest games.

There are several ways to update your iPhone and iPad to the latest OS. Before you do this, make sure all your data is backed up to iCloud or an external hard drive.

After the upgrade, you will notice a decrease in latency and latency. More importantly, your gaming experience will be much better. There is also a chance that it can fix crashes and other bugs in the game.

2. Turn on Game Focus Mode and turn off Bluetooth.

A lot of calls, messages and notifications can distract you from the gameplay. While iOS 15 comes with a Do Not Disturb mode, you’re offered a healthy level of customization for your notifications with a more advanced Focus mode.

This ensures that you only receive calls, text messages, and other notifications from important sources. The best part? You can set up a gaming profile, which will allow you to choose the people you want to receive notifications for. Thus, eliminating annoying interruptions. In addition, you can also notify other people that you are away and your notifications will be turned off.

Also, turning off Bluetooth on your phone also helps. If you’re not using wireless headphones or a Bluetooth speaker, Bluetooth (on its own) will drain your phone’s battery much faster. It also causes noticeable latency and latency issues. Basically, it results in a lackluster gaming experience.

3. Turn off automatic downloads

While automatic updates are useful if you don’t have time to update certain apps, they drain your phone’s battery considerably. In most cases, when apps are updated in the background, your gaming experience may suffer due to the high cost of resources.

In its current form, heavy games use your phone’s hardware and stretch it to its limits. Due to the extra stress of background downloads, your game is likely to crash. Even if it doesn’t fail, your phone may overheat. This will lead to lag in the game.

Here’s how to turn it off.

  1. Go to “Settings”→ “App Store”.
  2. Deselect the Apps and App Updates tabs.
  3. Optional: You can also disable automatic iOS updates. Go to Settings → General → Software Update → Automatic Updates → disable Download iOS Updates.

4. Clear your iPhone storage

Due to major advances in gaming technology and software, competitive games usually feature insane graphics, environments, and campaigns. Consequently, they require an excessive amount of disk space, even up to 2 GB.

If you download a game that requires 1.5 GB of phone storage, further updates and downloads may take up to 3 GB. Almost immediately, you will find that your phone does not have enough space for other media. Hence, it is always better to back up your important files elsewhere and clear your iPhone memory.

In addition, it is recommended that the free space on your phone is always above 15% of the total memory. This ensures optimal gaming performance and enhances the overall performance of the phone.

5. Don’t play while your phone is charging

Let’s face it – popular multiplayer games are draining your phone’s battery these days. I can’t count how many times I’ve been in intense combat in Call of Duty Mobile and my phone is almost dead. As soon as the battery saver mode is turned on, performance also decreases for obvious reasons.

However, one thing we shouldn’t be doing when we charge our phones is playing games on them. Most tech experts recommend not using our phones at all when they are charging. Not only does this charge your phone more slowly, but it also reduces battery life in the long run. It can also cause the phone to overheat and malfunction.

So the next time you find yourself in the middle of an important match, end the match and exit the game. Let your phone fully charge before moving on to another game.

6. Choose the right gaming accessories

If you are trying to compete in competitive games, you will notice that most players use a lot of accessories with their phones in order to compete. This includes gamepads, phone mounts, mice, and keyboards. While casual players don’t need as many accessories, they are essential if you want to get better.

Here’s a little tip: if you play MOBAs or MMORPGs, I would recommend a good set of bluetooth mouse and keyboard. They will also work well in shooters.

A game controller would be a good choice for FIFA racing games and online competitions. They can also be a good mouse and keyboard replacement if you like battle royale games.

7. Turn down the brightness

I like the bright screen when playing games. In most cases, this helps me to notice the changes that occur in the game. However, there is a certain limit to which your phone’s screen should be brighter while playing. Playing most modern games requires significant hardware power.

If you don’t have the latest updates for the latest (and most expensive) smartphones, your phone will be pushed to its limits. With high brightness, your phone will be tested further as it needs to display more pixels on the screen.

This can and will lead to overheating, which will drain your phone battery faster. The best way to fix this problem is to reduce the brightness of your phone, unless the game requires a brighter screen, such as one with a dark aesthetic.

8. Clear cache data

Whenever you use the app on your iPhone, it saves the data as a cache that takes up your phone’s memory. Over time, if cache data is not cleared, it can accumulate. This has several side effects.

For example, causing certain apps to crash or slowing down the overall performance of your iPhone. It also affects gaming performance as games crash and lag. Hence, it is advised to clear cache data of your phone periodically.

To clear cache data, go to the app’s Settings tab and look for the clear cache option (which can be found under the Storage tab).

9. Clear iPhone RAM

If you have a lot of apps running in the background or play games for a long time, your phone’s RAM will be heavily used.

The idea of ​​RAM in a phone is to convert data processed by the phone’s processor into information that you see on the screen. The higher the amount of RAM, the faster the processing and the faster your phone will run. However, if the RAM is not cleared for a long time, your phone will run slower.

Clearing the phone’s RAM will delete unnecessary data that does not require processing. If there is less old information to process, your phone will redirect resources to where they are needed.

I would recommend that you clear your iPhone’s RAM once a week. This will keep your phone running smoothly for as long as possible.

10. Remove iPhone Case While Playing

While there are some great iPhone cases out there, they can add a bit of weight to the phone. This weight is tiring during long hours of play and can slow down your performance in matches.

In addition, the cover also adds an extra layer to the phone that traps the heat generated during gaming. If you are not using an iPhone case, heat may dissipate more quickly into the air. This will cool your phone down a bit and reduce lag. The less heat, the slower your phone’s battery drains.

In addition, using a phone case while playing the game can also degrade the sound of the game. If you’re not using headphones or headphones, this sound is often important. For example, the sound of enemy footsteps in PUBG Mobile is an important part, albeit a weak one. A phone case can reduce that sound a bit and put you at a disadvantage.

Therefore, it is more advantageous to remove the cover during games.

That’s all. .. Enjoy the game!

Here are some tips for setting up your iPhone for gaming. Some of them are basic, but they help you get better. What do you think of these tips? Are there other tips you follow? I would like to know about them. Share them in the comments below.

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