How to Reduce Load with Facebook Autoposter

How to Reduce Load with Facebook Autoposter

Social media marketers have long to-do lists. They create posts, manage campaigns, engage with subscribers, and post a lot of content. And this last step is often the most time consuming. Unless, of course, they use a Facebook car poster.

Autoposters allow marketers to plan ahead for paid and organic content. This way, they can optimize their strategy and stay on top of their content calendars.

Keep reading to learn more about Facebook car posters and how you can use them to make your job easier.

What is a Facebook car poster?

The Facebook Autoposter is a tool that posts Facebook posts at a pre-scheduled time.

There are many automatic posting tools on Facebook, each with its own features and benefits.

But no matter which tool you choose, make sure it covers three main features:

  • Post now or schedule posts for the future.
  • Post to multiple pages, groups, and Facebook profiles at the same time or at regular intervals.
  • Share all types of content: text, links, images and videos.

A good tool will also have an intuitive interface as well as detailed reports and dashboards. They may even let you manage multiple Facebook accounts from one place.

Why should you automatically post to Facebook?

Of course, using an automatic poster for Facebook can help you manage your social media more easily. But you might be surprised at how useful these tools actually are.

Here are three key benefits of using a car poster on Facebook.

Save time

Have you ever heard the expression, “Work smarter, not harder?” It may be a cliché, but it’s not.

Let’s say you manage the Facebook marketing strategy for an online clothing brand. You should be posting quality content multiple times a day. You also have multiple Facebook groups and pages, as well as a global audience across multiple time zones.

Without Facebook’s auto posting tool, you would have to copy and paste your content for every group and page. If this sounds time-consuming and tedious, it’s because it is.

When a Facebook autoposter takes on monotonous tasks, you have time to focus on what matters.

Post at the best time

We all know that the best time to post on Facebook is between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays (you knew that, right?).

But depending on your audience and location, the best time to post for your account could be 11:00 PM or 5:30 AM. Instead of waking up early or staying up late, you can use an automatic publisher to make sure you don’t miss a single dream.

The automatic Facebook poster can post your posts at the right time for your audience. When you automate posts, you don’t have to log into your account at crazy times like 3am. Instead, you set up the messages ahead of time and let the tool do its thing.

Some tools will even help you find the best time to post for your specific audience.

Post Consistently

Consistency is the key to increasing engagement on Facebook.

When you consistently appear on your audience’s feed, they are more likely to interact with you. This interaction tells the Facebook algorithm that your content is worth sharing. The platform then rewards you with higher organic reach.

Posting consistently benefits your business, whether it’s a slow news week or the biggest holiday season of the year.

4 Best Facebook Auto Posting Tools

Ready to start saving time?

Here are four of the best Facebook auto posting tools to help you optimize your Facebook posting schedule.

Facebook business suite

If you have a Facebook business page, you can use your own automated Facebook poster in Business Suite. This allows you to schedule, edit, reschedule, or delete a scheduled post or story. Plus, it’s easy and free to use.

Make sure you’re signed in to the correct account so you can schedule posts and stories across pages and groups.

Remember, you can only use these tools if you have a Facebook business account. You cannot use Facebook Business Suite to schedule posts on your personal account.

Facebook Creative Studio

You can also use Facebook Creator Studio to save, schedule, or post later. To use Creator Studio to auto-publish, create a post as usual by clicking the green Create Post button.

Click the arrow next to Publish, then Schedule a publication.

You can also use Creator Studio to backdate your posts. This feature allows you to make a new post look like it was posted in the past.


Of course, Meta’s built-in tools are great. But if you work on multiple platforms, you may need a more advanced tool.

With a professional Hootsuite account, you can schedule unlimited posts for up to ten different social media profiles.

Hootsuite also helps you measure metrics like engagement, conversations, mentions, keywords, and hashtags.

Social advertising Hootsuite

Even the built-in Meta tools need some work if you’re managing paid content on top of regular posts. But Hootsuite makes it a lot easier.

Hootsuite Social Advertising allows you to schedule, publish paid and organic Facebook content and generate reports in one place. Plus, you can track results in real time and make quick adjustments to get the most out of your ad spend.

Schedule posts with Facebook and Hootsuite

Facebook’s free auto-poster tools are great for small teams, but they don’t necessarily scale as your business grows.

Larger teams may want features such as content approval workflows like those found in Hootsuite. These seamless features allow multiple people to work on your content.

Hootsuite’s content creation tools are just as reliable. The platform offers a free image library, GIFs, and more advanced editing tools than you’ll find in the Facebook Business Suite. There’s also a built-in URL shortener and tracker to help you prove the ROI of your social efforts.

Hootsuite also provides personalized best times to post. The tool uses your account’s past performance to suggest the best posting times.

This means you can schedule your content for the time it is most likely to have an impact.

How to Use Hootsuite to Automate Facebook Posts

Scheduling Facebook posts on Hootsuite is quick and easy. You can even use Hootsuite’s auto-scheduling feature to automate the entire process.

Here’s how to schedule and automate your Facebook posts with Hootsuite:

  • Go to Composer and select “Publish”.
  • After creating the content, select Schedule to choose a date and time for the content to be posted.
  • Click the calendar icon and select the day you want to post the message.
  • Set a specific posting time for the selected day. Paid plan users can choose a recommended time. All scheduled times are listed in 5 minute increments.
  • With the date and time selected, select Done and then Schedule.

If you want to save time by scheduling a mass posting of up to 350 Facebook posts on Hootsuite, here’s how:

Hootsuite’s automatic scheduling feature helps you avoid gaps in your content calendar. The tool automatically schedules your posts to be published during high activity hours. Instead of manually testing multiple posts, the tool does this automatically.

Here’s how to use Hootsuite’s auto-scheduling feature:

  • Compose your post as usual. Write a caption, add and edit images, and add a link.
  • Click Schedule for later. This will open the schedule calendar. Instead of manually choosing when your post should be published, go to the AutoSchedule option above the calendar.
  • Set the AutoSchedule feature to On.
  • Click Done. Sit back and relax – AutoSchedule is now set up.

Best Practices for Automating Facebook Posts

Facebook autoposters are great, but they become indispensable when you use them effectively.

Here are five best practices to help you successfully automate your Facebook posts.

Customize your post for different audiences

Let’s imagine that you run a yoga brand and sell yoga clothing. You also organize events, seminars and classes in six different stores. You have different Facebook pages and groups for each location.

The people who like and follow each store’s Page have different interests and locations. Think about it this way: they both might like yoga, but a suburban mom and a 20-year-old city girl are likely to live very different lives.

In order to reach these different audiences, you need to customize your posts for each of these pages.

While you may not need to rewrite everything, you can customize your message for each Page/Group before scheduling it. The information you post must be accurate and relevant to your followers on every Page.

Schedule posts at the right time for your audience

The Facebook algorithm values ​​novelty. That’s why it’s important to post when your audience sees your content. The Best Time to Post feature in Hootsuite helps you schedule posts for the days and hours your audience is active on the platform.

The more people who see your Facebook posts, the more likely each post is to grab attention, increase traffic, and increase your followers.

Pause your messages when necessary

Sometimes the unexpected happens, like a global pandemic. Instead of posting about the launch of a new shoe line, you may have to press pause for a while.

Check your scheduled posts regularly to see what’s coming next. Hootsuite allows you to pause or delete scheduled posts before they are posted to avoid potential repercussions.

Rate the effectiveness of each post

When you use an auto-poster for FB, it can be tempting to sit back and forget about your social content. But it’s important to test and see how your posts are performing. A good tool will help you identify the content that appeals to your audience the most.

Your Facebook analytics will tell you how your marketing efforts are stacking up. You can measure things like clicks, comments, reach, shares, video views, video reach, or subscriber growth over time.

Hootsuite Analytics shows which posts perform best. These ideas will help you create more content that you know works best with your audience.

Watch this short video to learn more about tracking Facebook analytics with Hootsuite.

Don’t plan your posts too far in advance

The future is unpredictable. If you plan your social media content calendar months in advance, it’s easy to lose what you have planned. The best brands are in tune with their audience and current events or trends that may affect them.

Use Hootsuite to save time and automate the hard work of engaging your Facebook audience. Schedule posts in advance, keep an eye on your competitors, automatically boost your top-performing content, and more.

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