Two Point Campus: How to Get More Fame

Two Point Campus: How to Get More Fame

Knowing how to get more Kudosh points on the Two Point campus can help you a lot. These points allow you to unlock items in the game, which can then be purchased with regular currency. These items can also give you bonuses that can increase attractiveness, happiness, or more. So it’s easy to go shopping for these items. And this is where the need for more such points arises. So, in this guide, let’s see how to quickly earn more Kudosh on the Two Point campus.

How to Get More Fame on the Two Point Campus

These are all ways that will allow you to earn more fame in this game.

  • Full career goals:
    • Click on the “Career Goals”button in the upper right corner of the screen. Here you can see career goals such as:
      • Knight’s School
      • magic
      • Dark Art
      • Archeology
      • Robotics
    • These were just a few examples, many of these goals change and become more difficult once you state them. But they give you more fame when you do them again.
    • Make sure you review and approve them regularly. Although they are completed as you continue to play, they are not automatically requested. So make sure you check them from time to time and claim them to get Kudosh points.
  • Get 3 stars on each level:
    • Each new level you unlock gives you specific goals to complete. For each level, there are three sets of goals that give you 1, 2 and 3 stars. Complete them all to get a large amount of Kudosh points.

While the above two methods are one time use, below are some methods you can reuse to get a small amount of Kudosh on a regular basis.

  • Completing Goals: You can check if any goals are available. These are simple tasks such as passing control tests, suggestion boxes, and more. Check if any of them are available. If they are, complete them and you can get a small amount of Kudosh points from them.
  • Clicking on Bookworms: Many times a few bookworms can appear randomly on campuses. You just need to click on them. And only for this you can get a few Kudosh. Although this is not a guaranteed drop.
  • Research Projects: When you create your Research Lab, you can research Research Projects here. These projects can sometimes earn you a small amount of Kudosh points. You can check out a project before you start researching it to see if you get any fame from it or not.
  • Get rewards at the end of the year. Year-end awards are held in many categories such as Campus of the Year, Rising Personnel and others. And you have a chance to get Kudosh when you win any of these awards.

This guide explains all the ways to earn Kudosh points quickly on the Two Point campus.

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