Phasmophobia: how to identify onrio

Phasmophobia: how to identify onrio

Phasmophobia is a ghost investigation game with many ghosts roaming the map. On the map you can find many ghosts with different strengths and weaknesses. In order to identify this ghost, certain tests can be carried out. In addition, the game provides you with some types of equipment that can be used to trace traces of the presence of a ghost. Onryo is a type of ghost in the game, referred to as the “Wrathful Spirit”, who seeks vengeance. One can track this ghost by noticing the paranormal happenings in its presence. Here is our guide that provides the steps to identify Onrio with Phasmophobia.

How to identify onrio with Phasmophobia

  • Onryo is afraid of fire, whether it be a smaller source such as a lighter or a comparatively large source such as a candle.
  • Basically, ghosts show their aggressive behavior when the Crucifix is ​​in the room.
  • The most effective way to spot Onrio is to place the Crucifix surrounded by several candles. The first aggressive action of the ghost is the burning of the Crucifix.
  • However, when an onrio is hunting, it simply blows out all the candles in the room when it approaches a 4-meter radius.
    • If the Crucifix burns without blowing out the candles, then this is not Onrio.
    • If the candles explode and the Crucifix does not burn, then this is definitely Onrio.
  • Another way to find evidence of Onrio’s presence is to use the Spirit Box. Take the spirit box and keep asking Onrio about her presence. Receiving a response immediately guarantees its availability.
  • The detection of a ghostly sphere with a video stream similar to a night vision camera proves the presence of a ghost in the room. In addition, if your in-game character starts breathing cold air, then something paranormal is also happening in the room. Because the presence of a ghost lowers the temperature in the room.
  • So run the necessary tests after suspecting something paranormal to find out if it’s Onrio.

This is how you identify Onrio with Phasmophobia.

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