What Endorsements Do in Overwatch 2 and How to Level Up

What Endorsements Do in Overwatch 2 and How to Level Up

After the match ended, you may have seen a notification that you were approved. If you’re a new player and wondering what endorsements mean and what they do in Overwatch 2, here’s what you should know. There are some rewards associated with it, as well as a level system.

What do endorsements do in Overwatch 2?

  • Endorsements are a way of expressing your appreciation for an OW 2 player who performed well in a match or did not show any toxicity. After the end of the match, you can give approval to a maximum of two players on your team.
  • By supporting a player, you will earn Battle Pass XP, and as you continue to earn them, your approval level will increase. Based on this, you will be able to receive periodic Battle Pass XP rewards depending on your level.
  • You can also unlock the Black Jack achievement if you earn 21 endorsements.

Where can I see the approval level?

  • Click “Career Profile”in the main menu.
  • Go to the “Overview”tab.
  • There will be a number next to your name in Overwatch 2 – this is your approval level.

What you need to know about your approval level

It can range from 1 to 5 and as you level up you will need MORE endorsements in each game to level up. It can also go down, so players need to constantly play with a positive attitude and be valuable team members in order to maintain or improve their level. According to some discussions on Reddit, it looks like not playing for a while can also lower your approval rate in OW 2.

Who should you support in Overwatch 2?

They could kill most opponents, heal allies properly, or do anything that would help you or your team. It can also be a gesture of encouragement for good behavior during a match. If you want to support your friend, you can’t. And if someone wants to support you twice within 12 hours, that will not be allowed either. But if you continue to get approval from other team members, Blizzard will realize that you are far from being a toxic player. In addition, you are also an active and experienced player.

That’s it for Overwatch 2 approval. To learn more about Overwatch 2, check out our guides.

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