Kiriko’s guide to Overwatch 2: how to play and explain abilities

Kiriko’s guide to Overwatch 2: how to play and explain abilities

Overwatch 2 has 3 new characters and one of them is Kiriko, which many players want to play as. She is a support and sub-DPS character. When you first test her abilities, you might think that she is just a healer. But you will be surprised how you can use her abilities for quick kills. So in this guide, let’s check out how to play as Kiriko and how her weapons and abilities work.

How to play Kiriko in Overwatch 2

You can play Kiriko as both a secondary DPS and a support character. Since her main role is support, many of her abilities are aimed at helping players. But thanks to the critical damage that her kunai deals, aiming them at your opponents can help you land a lot of kills. So, to better understand how to play as her, let’s check out her weapons and abilities.

  • Weapon
    • Kiriko has 2 main weapons. Healing Ofuda and Kunai
    • Ofuda Healing: Kiriko throws paper charms at her teammates to heal them. They are somewhat homing, so as long as your target is more or less tied to your teammate, you should be able to heal them easily.
    • Kunai: The kunai that Kiriko uses have low damage, but to balance it out, they can deal extra critical damage. So when using it for DPS your aim should be as much as possible at your opponent’s head.
  • Capabilities
    • Wall Climbing: This is Kiriko’s passive ability that allows her to jump walls to climb them. This ability is the same as Hanzo’s.
    • Quick Step: Speaking of offensive play, this ability can come in very handy in a situation like this. A quick step allows you to teleport directly to an ally, even if he is on the other side of a wall.
    • Suzu Defense: Kiriko throws a small projectile known as the Suzu Defense. It makes nearby allies invulnerable and even removes any debuffs or debuffs from them.
    • Kitsune Rush: Finally, let’s check out Kiriko’s ultimate: Kitsune Rush. She summons the spirit of the fox, which rushes forward, clearing the way. Allies and the player along the way gain bonus movement speed, attack speed, and increased cooldown.

So, depending on your situation, you can play both support and DPS. For example, you can teleport to an ally and help him finish off the enemy faster by teaming up in a double team. Or, if the whole team is planning on pushing, then using Ultimate can be very beneficial. Basically, using the above abilities effectively depending on the situation you are in will help you play better as Kiriko.

This guide explains how to play Kiriko in Overwatch 2 and how her weapons and abilities work. And for more help on this game, visit our Overwatch 2 section.

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