Overwatch 2 Counters of Dawn: Top 3 Hero Picks

Overwatch 2 Counters of Dawn: Top 3 Hero Picks

Zarya is a Tank in Overwatch 2 that can be difficult to counter thanks to her Particle Barrier. Her ult seems to be broken at times and is difficult for many players to handle. But there is a simple but rather annoying way to deal with this. So, in this guide, let’s take a look at the best heroes that can be considered counters of the Dawn in Overwatch 2.

Best Dawn counters in Overwatch 2

The best way to counter Zara is not to attack her while Partial Barrier is active. Her ult is a problem as it protects her and also buffs her attack. So the best thing you can do while she is using her ultimate is to ignore her as much as possible and focus on attacking her team. These heroes are the best you can use to counter her:

  • Sombra
  • farra
  • Reaper

Sombra is Zara’s best counter in Overwatch 2

Sombra’s biggest counter to Zara is her Lockpicking ability. This temporarily stops her opponents from using their abilities. This way, once Zarya is unable to use her particle barrier, Sombra and teammates can use all of their attacks to destroy her. Another effective ability of Sombra is her Translocator. Even if Zara manages to use her ultimate, Sombra can simply teleport and wait for her ultimate to end.


Pharah is back on another list of chips. She’s a more complex character, but if you can play her well, she can be very rewarding. Her range comes into play to counter Zara. All she has to do is get as far away from her as possible and keep damaging her. Oh, and most importantly, don’t charge Zarya’s ultimate. If you can handle this, it will not be difficult to resist her.


The Reaper can be a surprisingly good opponent for Zarya. Like Sombra, he has two good abilities that can be used against Zarya. Let’s start with Shadow Step, this ability allows the Reaper to teleport to a marked location. If you mark him next to Zarya after she has used her ultimate, he can deal serious damage to her, if not destroy her. Not only that, but you can also pair it with your own ultimate Death Blossom, which should be able to eliminate her.

But it was all offensive, what if Zarya was already in a charged Partial Barrier attack? Just use Ghost Form to create some distance and get as far away from her as possible.

That covers this guide on the 3 heroes who best counter Zara in Overwatch 2.

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