Hero Issues Not Appearing in Overwatch 2: How to Fix?

Hero Issues Not Appearing in Overwatch 2: How to Fix?

The release of Overmatch 2 marks the end of all working servers of its predecessor. There are many heroes that you can play and unlock as you progress. While players who are logged into their OW 1 account will unlock all characters immediately, newcomers need to complete various challenges to unlock them. However, players run into a problem when they go to the Hero Trials section. The page becomes blank and players cannot track their character unlock progress. Don’t worry, check out our guide to learn all about Hero Challenges not in Overwatch 2.

How to fix issues with heroes not showing up in Overwatch 2

Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed workaround or fix for displaying the Hero Challenges page. This is because it is a technical issue on the part of the developer as it is a server issue. Along with this issue, Blizzard acknowledged and confirmed this issue in a blog post (link). In addition, they also stated that players did not lose any items or progress despite missing items or sections. So no need to worry about losing your unlock progress.

You can check out our guide to see if the OW 2 servers are down. Once the servers are back on track, you’ll see the Hero Challenges page. Although there is no traditional way to solve this problem, some players are suggesting restarting the game and logging back in. This might work as it will refresh your connection to the server. This has worked for some players in the community, but it’s not a guaranteed workaround.

In such cases, there is nothing you can do but wait for the developers to fix the problem. We hope Blizzard will address this issue with an upcoming patch or updates.

That’s all for Hero Challenges that don’t appear in Overwatch 2.

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