All locations and effects in Marvel Snap

All locations and effects in Marvel Snap

As we all know, in order to win the battles in Marvel Snap, your deck must be more powerful than your opponent. To do this, the player will need to keep improving their cards as soon as they have the opportunity to do so. However, in addition to maps, strategy and locations play a huge role in the game. This is because even if your card is strong, locations and their effects can change the game in seconds. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the list of locations and their effects available in Marvel Snap.

List of locations and effects in the Marvel Snap

Here is a list of all locations and their unique effects available in Marvel Snap. At the moment, more than 70 locations are available in the game, and more will be coming soon.

Places Consequences
Olympia Take 2 cards
Onslaught Citadel Double ongoing effects
Oscorp Tower All cards here change sides (after 3 moves).
Project Pegasus 5x energy for this turn.
Ruin There are no effects for this location.
Sakaar Puts 1 card from the player’s hand.
holy of holies You can’t play cards here.
Mojoworld The player with the most cards here gets 100x the power.
Mount Wundagore Discards a card as soon as you play a card here.
monster island Each player adds a monster with power 9.
Monster Metropolis The card with the highest Strength gains 3x Strength.
Muir Island Gives 1x power here after each turn
Murder world Destroys the entire map after 3 turns.
negative zone Cards here will have a value of 3.
NY Players can move cards to this location after the third turn.
Nekrosha When a card is discarded here, it is returned to the player.
Nidavellir 5x power for cards.
K’un-Lun 2x Power for cards.
Kamar Taj 2x effects when revealed at this location.
Klintar 2- Power for cards.
Knowhere No reveal effects.
Krakao Takes possession and plays both players’ cards for them on turn 6.
kiln Players cannot play cards here after turn 4.
Asgard Whoever wins here draws 2 cards on the fourth turn.
Atlantis The player with 1 card gets 5 times the power.
Avengers Complex All cards must be played after turn 5.
Embassy of Wakanda In hand, the card will gain 2x Power.
Washington This gives 3x power for cards with no abilities.
strange world Players will be able to draw cards from the opponent’s deck.
Westview Switches to a new location after 4 turns.
world ship It destroys other locations.
X-Mansion Each player will receive a random card after turn 3.
Xandar Cards in these locations will gain 1x power.
Weird Academy It moves all cards to a random location after the 5th turn.
Underground Shuffle 5 stones into a deck.
Big house Cards costing 4, 5, 6 are not played here.
Bar without a name The player with low strength wins the match.
Baxter Building The player who wins this location gets an additional 3 times the power.
central park This location adds a squirrel to other locations.
Savage Land This location adds 2 raptors from both ends of the location.
shadow land This adds a ninja with strength 2.
Sinister London Copies the map to another location.
space throne Allows only 1 card for both players.
superflow Players without a card get 1x energy.
triskelion Gives the player random cards.
asylum After the 6th turn, no cards can be played here.
Artisan’s workshop 1x energy after each turn.
Sokovia This location discards a card for both players.
stark tower Increases the power of all cards by 5 after turn 5.
Starlight Citadel Changes the arrangement of cards after 3 turns.
Titanium 1- discount for 6-value cards.
Transia Shuffles the arrangement of cards.
Wakanda Cards cannot be discarded here
concentrator Gives a random card to players.
ice box Gives a card to both players with a cost of 1+.
Connection Power from here can be transferred to some other place.

These were all the locations and their unique effects available in the game. For those who have recently started playing games, here is a brief overview. In total, in each match, the player will meet 3 locations, the first of which opens at the beginning. And the remaining 2 are revealed only after the 2nd and 3rd round, respectively. So in this case, it is better to know all the locations and develop an appropriate strategy to control them in the future. With that said, this is everything you need to know about locations and effects in Marvel Snap.

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