Apple investigates mass food poisoning at iPhone factory in India

Apple investigates mass food poisoning at iPhone factory in India

Apple is investigating a factory in India for deplorable living and working conditions.

Apple decided to send an independent inspector to investigate an iPhone assembly plant in India after poor working conditions and poor living conditions in the complex prompted workers to go on strike.

Apple explores plant in India

This hub in southern India has always been run by Apple partner Foxconn. A Reuters investigation revealed that the women working at the factory did so under extremely difficult conditions, were forced to sleep on the floor in overcrowded dormitories and were forced to use one toilet without running water. Recently, 150 people were hospitalized as a result of food poisoning, prompting employees to go on strike and close the factory on December 18.

In response, Apple said it had placed the factory on a “trial”period (without explaining what this means for Foxconn and the workers who assemble the iPhone). The factory employs about 17,000 people and is located about 40 km west of Chennai.

for deplorable living and working conditions

An Apple spokesperson told BBC News: “Following recent concerns about food quality and living conditions at Foxconn Sriperumbudur, we have sent independent inspectors. We have found that some of the remote dorms and canteens used by employees are not up to our standards and we are working with the supplier to take action quickly.”

Foxconn apologized for these living and working conditions and, as the local government of Tamil Nadu said, agreed to make improvements to the complex – expand living quarters, improve sanitation, connect to drinking water. The company explains that in the near future the plant will resume its activities.

The news illustrates Apple’s difficulties as the giant decided to move its production outside of China. According to several reports in recent years, the iPhone maker is urging its suppliers, including Taiwan’s Foxconn, to move production to other countries such as India and Vietnam. This follows Apple’s criticism in the United States of what the apple brand is producing overseas and pressure in China to respond to the Communist Party’s demands for censorship and data access. Manufacturing outside of China leaves Apple with less freedom for other parties.

The Cupertino-based company has often been singled out for working conditions in factories that produce its devices. In particular, Foxconn’s factories have come under scrutiny in recent years.

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