Build Items, Heroes, & More with Dota 2’s Cheat Codes & Commands Guide

Build Items, Heroes, & More with Dota 2’s Cheat Codes & Commands Guide

Only Practice Mode is compatible with Dota 2 cheat codes and commands. When playing against bots, that is. It is a useful tool to experiment with various equipment, heroes, etc. and learn about game dynamics. Using cheats might let you determine the best settings without any difficulty because the practice matches are full with bots. Knowing what’s best for you can help you optimize your fundamental gaming. However because utilizing any unofficial mods could result in your account being suspended, we have collected a list of all the Valve-approved hacks. You may find all cheats for summoning heroes, using basic items, neutral things, enhanced items, and playing the game in the list below.

By default, cheat codes are disabled. You can discover instructions on how to activate or enable cheat codes in Dota 2 in this guide. Then, you can discover the many Dota 2 Commands and their functions.

List of every Dota 2 cheat code and console command

Dota 2 Console

By using the chat commands in the Lobby settings, you can activate the Dota 2 cheat codes or instructions. To do so, the player hosting the practice game must first use the console to enable the cheats using the sv cheats1 command.

  • Use the CTRL + F shortcut button to search for your required cheat code or console command.
Cheat Codes (Chat) Console Commands Effects
-lvlup # dota_dev hero_level # Increases the level of the user’s hero by #.
-levelbots # dota_bot_give_level # Increases the level of all bots’ heroes by #.
-lvlmax or dota_dev hero_maxlevel Increases the level of the player’s hero and all their abilities to the max.
-levelmax Maxes out your player level
-gold # dota_dev player_givegold # Rewards the player # unreliable gold. Using negative numbers decreases gold.
-item <name> dota_create_item <name> Offers the player’s primary hero the named item.
-givebots <name> dota_bot_give_item <name> Offers all bots’ primary heroes the named item.
-refresh dota_dev hero_refresh Replenishes all heroes’ and illusions’ health and mana to full. Also, it refreshes all their abilities and item cooldowns*.
-respawn dota_dev hero_respawn Forces the player hero to respawn. When the player hero is alive, moving to the team fountain can replenish health and mana.
-startgame dota_dev forcegamestart Forces the match to start immediately, skipping the preparation phase.
-spawncreeps dota_spawn_creeps Instantly spawns lane creeps on every lane for both teams.
-spawnneutrals dota_spawn_neutrals It instantly spawns neutral creeps at every camp.
-disablecreepspawn dota_creeps_no_spawning 1/0 Disables lane & neutral creep spawning (except Roshan).
-enablecreepspawn Enables lane & neutral creep spawning.
– spawn rune dota_spawn_rune Spawns Bounty runes & Power-up Runes at all rune spots.
-killwards dota_dev killwards Destroys all placed Sentry and Observer Wards.
-clearwards dota_clear_wards Destroys all placed Observer Wards.
-createhero <name> dota_create_unit <name> Creates the named unit or hero as an ally, neutral, or enemy.
-createhero <name> neutral dota_create_unit <name> neutral Neutral heroes cannot be created. When created, Radiant heroes are spawned
-createhero <name> enemy dota_create_unit <name> enemy Spawning buildings always appear at the map center and are always invulnerable.
-dumpbots dota_bot_dump_state Displays AI status.
-wtf dota_ability_debug 1/0 Disables mana cost and cooldown of abilities and items, and applies the same effects as -refresh
-unwtf Enables mana cost and cooldown of all abilities and items.
-allvision dota_all_vision_enable Enables shared vision between Radiant and Dire.
-normalvision dota_all_vision_disable Disables shared vision between the teams.
-teleport dota_dev hero_teleport Teleports the selected hero to the placed cursor location.
-trees dota_treerespawn All trees on the map respawn, taking tree spawn blocking into account.
-win dota_win Instantly destroys the enemy’s Ancient triggering a win
-gottagofast dota_gotta_go_fast Sets hero level to the maximum, and fills the inventory with Sange and Yasha.
-rapgod dota_rap_god Sets hero level to the maximum, and fills the inventory with 3 Divine Rapiers
-hurtmebad dota_hero_nearlethaldamage Depletes the hero’s current health to 1.
-suicide dota_hero_suicide It instantly kills the player hero.
-killcreeps radiant/dire/neutral/all dota_kill_creeps radiant/dire/neutral/all Instantly kills radiant/dire/neutral/all creeps.

*This cheat does not affect the Buyback cooldown.

Cheat Codes & Commands for Every Item

dota 2 cheat codes commands

Basic Items

To summon an item for yourself or to give it to a bot, you must combine the -item and -givebots chat commands with cheat codes. In addition to your cheats, you can also utilize the dota create item and dota bot give item commands.

In order to summon Basic objects, use the following cheats:

Item Name Internal Names/ Console Commands
Aegis of the Immortal item_aegis
Animal Courier item_courier
Band of Elvenskin item_boots_of_elves
Belt of Strength item_belt_of_strength
Blade of Alacrity item_blade_of_alacrity
Blades of Attack item_blades_of_attack
Blight Stone item_blight_stone
Blink Dagger item_blink
Boots of Speed item_boots
Bottle item_bottle
Broadsword item_broadsword
Chainmail item_chainmail
Cheese item_cheese
Circlet item_circlet
Clarity item_clarity
Claymore item_claymore
Cloak item_cloak
Crown item_crown
Demon Edge item_demon_edge
Dust of Appearance item_dust
Eaglesong item_eagle
Enchanted Mango item_enchanted_mango
Energy Booster item_energy_booster
Faerie Fire item_faerie_fire
Flying Courier item_flying_courier
Gauntlets of Strength item_gauntlets
Gem of True Sight item_gem
Ghost Scepter item_ghost
Gloves of Haste item_gloves
Healing Salve item_flask
Helm of Iron Will item_helm_of_iron_will
Hyperstone item_hyperstone
Infused Raindrop item_infused_raindrop
Iron Branch item_branches
Javelin item_javelin
Magic Stick item_magic_stick
Mantle of Intelligence item_mantle
Mithril Hammer item_mithril_hammer
Morbid Mask item_lifesteal
Mystic Staff item_mystic_staff
Observer Ward item_ward_observer
ogre ax item_ogre_axe
Orb of Venom item_orb_of_venom
Platemail item_platemail
Point Booster item_point_booster
Quarterstaff item_quarterstaff
Quelling Blade item_quelling_blade
Reaver item_reaver
Refresher Shard item_refresher_shard
Ring of Health item_ring_of_health
Ring of Protection item_ring_of_protection
Ring of Regen item_ring_of_regen
Ring of Tarrasque item_ring_of_tarrasque
Robe of the Magi item_robe
Sacred Relic item_relic
Sage’s Mask item_sobi_mask
Sentry Ward item_ward_sentry
Shadow Amulet item_shadow_amulet
Slippers of Agility item_slippers
Smoke of Deceit item_smoke_of_deceit
Staff of Wizardry item_staff_of_wizardry
Stout Shield item_stout_shield
Talisman of Evasion item_talisman_of_evasion
Tango item_tango
Tango (Shared) item_tango_single
Tome of Knowledge item_tome_of_knowledge
Town Portal Scroll item_tpscroll
Ultimate Orb item_ultimate_orb
Vitality Booster item_vitality_booster
Void Stone item_void_stone
Wind Lace item_wind_lace

Upgraded Items

Any improved item can be summoned on the console by utilizing the item_ prefix. You can use the item recipe_ command since every improved item has a recipe (name of the upgraded item). You can append the _# to the end of the command’s internal name to indicate that certain upgraded objects have different tiers. So, you must use the following console command if you want the level 3 Necronomicon:

  • item_necromicon_3

So, here are the cheats for all the upgraded items in Dota 2:

Upgraded Item Names Internal Names/ Console Commands
Abyssal Blade item_abyssal_blade
Aeon Disk item_aeon_disk
Aether Lens item_aether_lens
Aghanim’s Blessing item_ultimate_scepter_2
Aghanim’s Blessing – Roshan item_ultimate_scepter_roshan
Aghanim’s Scepter item_ultimate_scepter
Aghanim’s Shard item_aghanims_shard
Arcane Boots item_arcane_boots
Armlet of Mordiggian item_armlet
Assault Cuirass item_assault
Battle Fury item_bfury
Black King Bar item_black_king_bar
Blade Mail item_blade_mail
Bloodstone item_bloodstone
Bloodthorn item_bloodthorn
Boots of Travel item_travel_boots
Boots of Travel 2 item_travel_boots_2
Brace item_bracer
Buckler item_buckler
Butterfly item_butterfly
Crimson Guard item_crimson_guard
Crystalys item_lesser_crit
Daedalus item_greater_crit
Dagon item_dagon_# (1-5)
Desolator item_desolator
Diffusal Blade item_diffusal_blade
Diffusal Blade 2 item_diffusal_blade_2
Dragon Lance item_dragon_lance
Drum of Endurance item_ancient_jaggo
echo saber item_echo_sabre
Ethereal Blade item_ethereal_blade
Eul’s Scepter of Divinity item_cyclone
Eye of Skadi item_skadi
Force Staff item_force_staff
Glimmer Cape item_glimmer_cape
Guardian Greaves item_guardian_greaves
Hand of Midas item_hand_of_midas
Headdress item_headdress
Heart of Tarrasque item_heart
Heaven’s Halberd item_heavens_halberd
Helm of the Dominator item_helm_of_the_dominator
Hood of Defiance item_hood_of_defiance
Hurricane Pike item_hurricane_pike
Iron Talon item_iron_talon
So item_kaya
Kaya and Sange item_kaya_and_sange
Linken’s Sphere item_sphere
Lotus Orb item_lotus_orb
Maelstrom item_maelstrom
Magic Wand item_magic_wand
Manta Style item_manta
Mask of Madness item_mask_of_madness
Medallion of Courage item_medallion_of_courage
space item_mekansm
Meteor Hammer item_meteor_hammer
Mjollnir item_mjollnir
Monkey King Bar item_monkey_king_bar
Moon Shard item_moon_shard
Necronomicon item_necronomicon_# (1-3)
Null Talisman item_null_talisman
Nullifier item_nullifier
Oblivion Staff item_oblivion_staff
Observer and Sentry Wards item_ward_dispenser
Octarine Core item_octarine_core
Orchid Malevolence item_orchid
Perseverance item_pers
Phase Boots item_phase_boots
Pipe of Insight item_pipe
Poor Man’s Shield item_poor_mans_shield
Power Treads item_power_treads
Radiance item_radiance
Divine Rapier item_rapier
Refresher Orb item_refresher
Ring of Aquila item_ring_of_aquila
Ring of Basilius item_ring_of_basilius
Rod of Atos item_rod_of_atos
Songs item_sange
sange and yasha item_sange_and_yasha
Satanic item_satanic
Scythe of Vyse item_sheepstick
Shadow Blade item_invis_sword
Shiva’s Guard item_shivas_guard
Silver Edge item_silver_edge
Skull Basher item_basher
Solar Crest item_solar_crest
Soul Booster item_soul_booster
Soul Ring item_soul_ring
Spirit Vessel item_spirit_vessel
Tranquil Boots item_tranquil_boots
Urn of Shadows item_urn_of_shadows
Vanguard item_vanguard
Veil of Discord item_veil_of_discord
Vladmir’s Offering item_vladmir
Wraith Band item_wraith_band
Yasha item_yasha
Yasha and Kaya item_yasha_and_kaya

Neutral Items

Here are the cheats for all the Neutral items:

Neutral Item Names Internal Names / Console Commands
Tier 1
Arcane Ring item_arcane_ring
Broom Handle item_broom_handle
Faded Broach item_faded_broach
Iron Talon item_iron_talon
Ironwood Tree item_ironwood_tree
Keen Optic item_keen_optic
Mango Tree item_mango_tree
Ocean Heart item_ocean_heart
Poor Man’s Shield item_poor_mans_shield
Royal Jelly 1 item_royal_jelly
Trusty Shovel item_trusty_shovel
Tier 2
Clumsy Net item_clumsy_net
Dragon Scale item_dragon_scale
Essence Ring item_essence_ring
Grove Bow item_grove_bow
Imp Claw item_imp_claw
Nether Shawl item_nether_shawl
Philosopher’s Stone item_philosophers_stone
Pupil’s Gift item_pupils_gift
Ring of Aquila item_ring_of_aquila
Vambrace item_vambrace
Vampire Fangs item_vampire_fangs
Tier 3
Craggy Coat item_craggy_coat
Enchanted Quiver item_enchanted_quiver
Greater Faerie Fire item_greater_faerie_fire
Mind Breaker item_mind_breaker
Orb of Destruction item_orb_of_destruction
Paladin Sword item_paladin_sword
Quickening Charm item_quickening_charm
Repair Kit item_repair_kit
Spider Legs item_spider_legs
Telescope item_spy_gadget
Titan Silver item_titan_sliver
Tier 4
Flicker item_flicker
Havoc Hammer item_havoc_hammer
Illusionist’s Cape item_illusionsts_cape
Magic Lamp item_panic_button
Minotaur Horn item_minotaur_horn
Ninja Gear item_ninja_gear
Prince’s Knife item_princes_knife
Spell Prism item_spell_prism
The Leveller item_the_leveller
Timeless Relic item_timeless_relic
Witless Shako item_witless_shako
Tier 5
Apex item_apex
Ballista item_ballista
Book of the Dead item_demonicon
Ex Machina item_ex_machina
Fallen Sky item_fallen_sky
Force Boots item_force_boots
Mirror Shield item_mirror_shield
Pirate Hat item_pirate_hat
Seer Stone item_seer_stone
Stygian Desolator item_desolator_2
Trident item_recipe_trident
Woodland Striders item_woodland_striders

Dota 2 Cheat Codes for Heroes

dota 2 cheat codes commands

To spawn a hero on your team, use the -createhero or dota create unit commands. By inserting the word enemy at the end of the order, you can also assign these unit heroes to your adversary’s squad. For instance, the following command can be used to produce a hero similar to Bane on your adversary’s team:

  • -createhero npc_dota_hero_bane enemy

Now, here are all the cheats codes to spawn your preferred heroes:

Heroes Internal names
Abaddon npc_dota_hero_abaddon
Alchemist npc_dota_hero_alchemist
Anti-Mage npc_dota_hero_antimage
Ancient Apparition npc_dota_hero_ancient_apparition
Arc Warden npc_dota_hero_arc_warden
Axe npc_dota_hero_axe
Bane npc_dota_hero_bane
Batrider npc_dota_hero_batrider
Beastmaster npc_dota_hero_beastmaster
Bloodseeker npc_dota_hero_bloodseeker
Bounty Hunter npc_dota_hero_bounty_hunter
Brewmaster npc_dota_hero_brewmaster
Bristleback npc_dota_hero_bristleback
Broodmother npc_dota_hero_broodmother
Centaur Warrunner npc_dota_hero_centaur
Chaos Knight npc_dota_hero_chaos_knight
Chen npc_dota_hero_chen
Clinkz npc_dota_hero_clinkz
Clockwerk npc_dota_hero_rattletrap
Crystal Maiden npc_dota_hero_crystal_maiden
Dark Seer npc_dota_hero_dark_seer
Dark Willow npc_dota_hero_dark_willow
Dawnbreaker npc_dota_hero_dawnbreaker
Dazzle npc_dota_hero_dazzle
Death Prophet npc_dota_hero_death_prophet
Disruptor npc_dota_hero_disruptor
Doom npc_dota_hero_doom_bringer
Dragon Knight npc_dota_hero_dragon_knight
Drow Ranger npc_dota_hero_drow_ranger
Earth Spirit npc_dota_hero_earth_spirit
Earthshaker npc_dota_hero_earthshaker
Elder Titan npc_dota_hero_elder_titan
Ember Spirit npc_dota_hero_ember_spirit
Enchantress npc_dota_hero_enchantress
Enigma npc_dota_hero_enigma
Faceless Void npc_dota_hero_faceless_void
Grimstroke npc_dota_hero_grimstroke
Gyrocopter npc_dota_hero_gyrocopter
Hoodwink npc_dota_hero_hoodwink
Huskar npc_dota_hero_huskar
Invoker npc_dota_hero_invoker
Io npc_dota_hero_wisp
Jakiro npc_dota_hero_jakiro
Juggernaut npc_dota_hero_juggernaut
Keeper of the Light npc_dota_hero_keeper_of_the_light
The flower npc_dota_hero_kunkka
Legion Commander npc_dota_hero_legion_commander
Leshrac npc_dota_hero_leshrac
Lich npc_dota_hero_lich
Lifestealer npc_dota_hero_life_stealer
Lina npc_dota_hero_lina
Lion npc_dota_hero_lion
Lone Druid npc_dota_hero_lone_druid
Luna npc_dota_hero_luna
Lycan npc_dota_hero_lycan
Magnus npc_dota_hero_magnataur
Marci npc_dota_hero_marci
Mars npc_dota_hero_mars
Medusa npc_dota_hero_medusa
Mines npc_dota_hero_meepo
Mirana npc_dota_hero_mirana
Morphling npc_dota_hero_morphling
Monkey King npc_dota_hero_monkey_king
Naga Siren npc_dota_hero_naga_siren
Nature’s Prophet npc_dota_hero_furion
Necrophos npc_dota_hero_necrolyte
Night Stalker npc_dota_hero_night_stalker
Nyx Assassin npc_dota_hero_nyx_assassin
Ogre Magi npc_dota_hero_ogre_magi
Omniknight npc_dota_hero_omniknight
Oracle npc_dota_hero_oracle
Outworld Destroyer npc_dota_hero_obsidian_destroyer
Pangolier npc_dota_hero_pangolier
Phantom Assassin npc_dota_hero_phantom_assassin
Phantom Lancer npc_dota_hero_phantom_lancer
Phoenix npc_dota_hero_phoenix
Primal Beast npc_dota_hero_primal_beast
Puck npc_dota_hero_puck
Pudge npc_dota_hero_pudge
Fight npc_dota_hero_pugna
Queen of Pain npc_dota_hero_queenofpain
Razor npc_dota_hero_razor

Keep in mind that not every Dota hero’s complete name and command must be entered. By providing the appropriate arguments, you can also shorten the command or name. For instance, you can use each of the following commands to create an Anti-Mage:

  • -createhero npc_dota_hero_antimage
  • -createhero antimage
  • -createhero an

Similarly, you can use shorter commands or names to spawn other heroes.

That concludes our discussion of the Dota 2 cheat codes and commands.

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