Apple glasses can adapt to your correction

Apple glasses can adapt to your correction

Apple glasses can adapt to your vision on their own

The problem with VR/AR/Mixed Reality headsets or glasses is that often these devices are not suitable for users who must wear glasses. Manufacturers cannot simply ignore this part of the population. One solution to this problem would be to create a device that could be “grafted”directly onto existing glasses, but Apple seems to have a different idea.

Apple glasses can adapt to your vision on their own

Indeed, according to a patent recently discovered by AppleInsider, it seems that the Apple brand is considering developing glasses whose lenses could adapt to possible correction. This would mean that users would no longer need to buy a new pair when their eyesight changes, and Apple glasses would simply adapt accordingly.

The patent in question describes a system that will use a set of liquid crystal lenses as well as an adjustable non-liquid crystal lens. Liquid lenses could be filled with a voltage modulating material surrounded by electrodes. By making micro-adjustments through the app, the lenses could see a change in the amount of light passing through them.

Technology that already exists, more or less

As interesting as this idea may be, such an innovation appears not for the first time. For example, last week during CES, 32 North officially unveiled a pair of sunglasses that can become classic prescription glasses with the swipe of a finger. In other words, the concept already exists, and the technology to implement it is a reality. So the question is whether the Cupertino company will decide to embark on this great adventure. And will it do the same with the first generation of glasses? Future will tell.

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