Apple is considering integrating Touch ID into the Apple TV remote control

Apple is considering integrating Touch ID into the Apple TV remote control

Apple is considering integrating Touch ID into the Apple TV remote, which could be very interesting in many ways.

The remote control that currently comes with Apple TV is pretty easy to use compared to what’s on the market, but when it comes to using it to enter search terms or passwords, for example, it’s more tedious. That being said, Apple believes it has found a solution to this Touch ID problem.

Apple is considering integrating Touch ID into the Apple TV remote control

If a patent recently discovered by Patently Apple is to be believed, it would appear that the Cupertino-based company is considering — or at least considering — integrating its Touch ID biometric detection system into accessories such as a remote control. with Apple TV. The set will work just like Touch ID, which currently works on iPhone, iPad or Mac, a solution by which users can authenticate themselves with their biometrics, in this case a fingerprint.

This means that users can use Touch ID to authenticate to their apps and services when needed, to download or purchase apps, and more. What’s interesting about this is that the data will be transferred wirelessly. So instead of staying on the local physical system, as is currently the case on iPhone and other devices, scans performed by Touch ID remote control will be transferred to Apple TV via Wi-Fi, infrared, Bluetooth, NFC or other.

Which could be very interesting in many ways

The patent also suggests that such a Touch ID remote can be used to control not only the Apple TV, but also other connected objects in the home. Touch ID can serve as a system profile and allow, depending on the person using the remote, to unlock certain content. For example, if your child takes the remote to watch their cartoons on Apple TV, after being authenticated by the biometric system, they will be presented with adapted and uniquely adapted content, and the rest will be blocked.

That being said, no one can predict whether the next Apple TV will have a Touch ID sensor in the remote control or not. It’s just a patent. In other words, Apple had this idea. Can the Cupertino company make this a reality? Hard to say.

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