FDA approves app to control insulin pumps

FDA approves app to control insulin pumps

FDA green light for t:connect app and insulin pump control. This should make life easier for diabetics.

People with diabetes need to inject themselves with insulin from time to time. This can be administered in different ways. One of them is through an injection pen. The second way is to use an insulin pump that you can wear. Unfortunately, these solutions are not the easiest in everyday life. Moreover, it requires accurate and regular monitoring to assess the amount of drug administered. Modern technologies and advances in wearable devices can make all this easier.

FDA green light for t:connect app and insulin pump control

Those who use an insulin pump most often have to program the system by injecting the dose of medication they want to take directly into the pump. This is usually done with meals. Good news: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is responsible in part for drug approval in the United States, has just granted approval for an iOS and Android mobile app that allows diabetics to control their insulin pumps via smartphone.

This should make life easier for diabetics.

The t:connect app in question is used with Tandem Diabetes Care’s t:slim X2 insulin pump. Through the app, the user can program and override insulin doses directly from their phone. Until now, the app only allowed you to view some information about the apple, such as the change in blood sugar levels in the last 24 hours, changes in the condition of the apple, and treatment data. From now on, users will also be able to control the pump.

For those who use an insulin pump and are looking for a model with more connectivity options, Tandem Diabetes Care offers a simulation app that allows you to virtually “try out” the pump, as well as the interface and various functions, so to speak.

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