Google lets you discover new heritage sites virtually

Google lets you discover new heritage sites virtually

The US State Department is hosting new heritage properties virtually through a partnership with Google Arts & Culture.

The United States Department of State is now making it easier for everyone to explore our world’s most remarkable heritage sites through a new partnership with Google Arts & Culture. This special section, announced on the occasion of the International Day of Monuments and Sites, allows visitors to virtually explore the world heritage sites of the 1,100 Ambassadors Fund projects for cultural preservation around the world.

US Department of State Takes Virtual Tour of New Heritage Sites

“Heritage objects such as artifacts and traditions are the pride of people around the world, but they also require care and vigilance,” wrote Lee Satterfield of the US State Department. “It is for this reason that the Department of State Heritage Center works with governments and organizations to preserve and protect our heritage from natural and man-made threats through the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Heritage Preservation (AFCP).”

through partnership with Google Arts & Culture

Among the many places available for consultation are the Buddhist temple Wat Chai Wattanaram in Ayutthaya, Thailand, the mausoleum of Imam al-Shafi’i in Egypt, and the Nabataean hydraulic system in Petra. In total, the Heritage Center has added more than 100 new images of various objects. And with them, a story about the preservation of this heritage, with videos and images created by the U.S. State Department’s Heritage Center.

The Heritage Center promised to add more iconic sites and stories to the site over time. And since perhaps the biggest threat to these exceptional sites is none other than climate change, the Center also invites visitors to discover the Google Arts & Culture Heritage on the Edge project.

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