NVIDIA Officially Drops Plans to Buy ARM

NVIDIA Officially Drops Plans to Buy ARM

NVIDIA is officially dropping plans to buy ARM. Therefore, ARM should go public on this exchange.

In 2020, NVIDIA announced its intention to buy ARM. However, today’s report from the Financial Times shows that the American company is pulling out of the project after facing enormous pressure not only from regulators, but also from other giants of the technology industry.

NVIDIA Officially Drops Plans to Buy ARM

Last January, we heard rumors that the American founder planned to withdraw from this operation, and today it turned out that this was done. For those who don’t know, ARM is the company that provides the chip designs used by most technology companies that make their own chips. We are talking here about companies like Qualcomm, MediaTek, Huawei, Apple, Samsung, mainstream electronics products, consumer or not.

Therefore, ARM must go public on this exchange.

After the announcement of this acquisition project, many concerns were raised. Buying NVIDIA ARM could result in chip companies paying more to use patents and licenses. However, NVIDIA wanted to assure everyone that such a situation would never happen. However, some governments around the world were also concerned about this possible takeover. Therefore, it was too difficult for NVIDIA to make a decision to refuse.

As for what will happen to ARM now, that’s a completely different story. It seems that SoftBank, the current owner of ARM, is planning an IPO before the end of 2022 to make ARM a public company about its role in the microchip market, but with all the pressure from regulators, it’s hard to imagine that such an undertaking could succeed.

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