Frost Writer, Nedl, Cirka and more apps to try this weekend

Frost Writer, Nedl, Cirka and more apps to try this weekend

Welcome to another edition of our review of the apps of the week! We’ve got some great options this week, including a mood-boosting writing app, an AI-powered audio search engine, and a financial tracker. And, as always, we have selected a great game for you.

Frost Writer

Frost Writer bills itself as a mood-setting storytelling app. It sets the background atmosphere and soundtrack and then gets out of the way so you can create. There are countless themes to choose from, three focus stations to help you… focus, and the app syncs seamlessly with your desktop and other devices.

Download for free


Nedl is an AI-powered real-time audio search engine that lets you find news and music on radio stations you didn’t know existed. We actually reviewed this app a few years ago, but I don’t think it was anything like that. Most impressive? Search for a keyword like “Dallas Cowboys”and it will point to radio stations talking about it.

Download for free


Here is another “Manage your finances”app. Look, there are hundreds of them, but as I always say, the best one for you is the one you will use. This one features a crisp and clean design, a useful control panel, and security: your budget is only stored on your device and can be locked using Face or Touch ID.

Download for free

Project Winter

If you’re not familiar with the PC version of Project Winter, this is a very interesting game about cooperation and betrayal. In the mobile version, you must try to survive a deadly blizzard with 7 of your teammates. But not only bad weather can kill you – traitors lurk in the ranks. Look for supplies, call for help and [try] to stay alive.

Download for free

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