Phasmophobia: how to spot twins

Phasmophobia: how to spot twins

Phasmophobia is an investigative game based on the paranormal happenings on the map. Different ghosts have different strengths and weaknesses in the game that can be used to detect their presence. “Gemini”is one of these ghosts, appearing repeatedly in the game and leaving traces behind. If you’re finding it difficult to spot a Gemini, then this guide is for you. Here is our guide that presents some of the key points that can help you identify Gemini with Phasmophobia.

How to identify twins with Phasmophobia

  • A very clear sign of the presence of Gemini in the house is strange activity that no other ghost can do. Basically, when Gemini is around, you can experience the paranormal in multiple places at the same time.
  • Moreover, you will easily notice that one of them will leave evidence, while the other will behave aggressively. For example, you will feel a decrease in temperature in room A, and in room B things will break or be thrown away. Such events prove the presence of Gemini around you.
  • They will try to confuse you with these strategies several times. Also, when one of them hunts, the other remains passive.
  • In order to collect evidence of the Twins in the room, you must pass the following criteria:
    • EMF level 5 – Pay attention to intrusive events occurring in the room. If you get level 5 EMF on the EMF reader, then there is a ghost around you.
    • Spirit Box – Ask questions while wandering around the house using the Spirit Box.
    • Freezing Temperature – The temperature in the room plummets when a ghost appears around you. This change can be seen when the character exhales cold air.

This is how you define Gemini in Phasmophobia.

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