“Reality One”, “Reality Pro”, and “Reality Processor” are the latest trademarks associated with Apple’s mixed reality headset.

“Reality One”, “Reality Pro”, and “Reality Processor” are the latest trademarks associated with Apple’s mixed reality headset.

Apple has filed new trademarks that may be related to its rumored mixed reality (MR) headset, including “Reality One”, “Reality Pro”and “Reality Processor”.

  • What is happening? Apple has filed for several new trademarks related to its MR hearing headset, using a front company to cover their tracks.
  • Why care? With revelations like this, what was once a rumor about an accessory suffering from development issues is now a lot closer to being the real deal.
  • What to do? You’ll want to keep an eye on Apple’s keynote on September 7th. The company isn’t going to announce the headset at an iPhone event, but who knows…

3 new trademarks for Apple headsets

Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman found four new trademark applications filed in multiple countries against the Delaware-based front company Immersive Health Solutions, LLC, the same firm that Apple had previously used to file various trademark applications.

Gurman has identified four trademark applications for the names “Reality One”, “Reality Pro”and “Reality Processor”in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Costa Rica and Uruguay.

PatentlyApple suggests that the trademarks suggest that an Apple-branded headset may be made from leather, or that it may provide health and fitness features.

It is normal practice for companies that want to keep their surprise products under wraps for as long as possible, using law firms to protect their trademarks.

Remember “RealityOS”?

This isn’t the first time we’ve suspected that an Apple headset may be using the “Reality”branding. Earlier, in 2022, for example, in the public databases of the US Patent and Trademark Office, an application for the registration of the trademark “realityOS” appeared. The same term was later found in the App Store download logs and on GitHub.

The Apple headset is expected to arrive sometime next year.

Powerful standalone device

It is expected to be a sophisticated product with advanced technology and a corresponding price, aimed primarily at developers.

Imagine a standalone device equipped with custom chips and equipped with two 8K OLED displays and a third 1080p OLED screen.

It can use a system of mirrors and prisms to provide pass-through, and include multiple internal and external cameras to provide accurate eye tracking for use in foveal rendering, hand tracking, air gestures, and other augmented reality content interactions.. reality.

Rumors paint a picture of an ultra-light device capable of running on its own, with its own operating system and augmented reality app store.

One expensive headset

But all that power and specialty hardware won’t come cheap, with some estimates putting the retail price at between $2,500 and $3,000.

On the other hand, Apple will most likely not promote this gadget as a mass device, because it should be aimed primarily at developers. Surely more affordable versions of “Reality One”and “Reality Pro”may arrive at a later stage?).

The iPhone maker is also rumored to be working on a pair of inexpensive augmented reality glasses.

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