Saints Row: How to Remove Fame Level [2022]

Saints Row: How to Remove Fame Level [2022]

Saints Row Reboot is an action-adventure game set after the release of Saints Row: Get Out of Hell. This game is a reboot of the entire Saints Row series, bringing us back to their open world game Carnage & Destruction. In this game, you can create Chaos and Mayhem by destroying vehicles and killing everyone you see. But since the game has a justice system, you will be put on the wanted list and will be pursued by the police. The more destruction you make, the more your level of fame will increase. In this guide, I will show you how to remove your renown level in Saints Row Reboot.

How to remove your fame level in Saints Row Reboot (2022)

The level of fame in Saints Row Reboot is a measure of how wanted you are by the police. One star means you’re not a threat and can be dealt with with minimal police resources, while five stars means the entire police force will chase you dead or alive. If you are familiar with other Saints Row games, or even other games like GTA, then the level of fame is not difficult to understand. Here’s what you need to do to remove your renown level in Saints Row Reboot.

Enemy Evasion to Remove Notoriety in Saints Row:

The notoriety level ensures that you will always be a target for the police, one way or another. Thus, hiding will help you to remove the level of notoriety. Hiding in secluded places, waiting out the police in small alleys, disguising yourself, etc. will work.

Run away:

Usually running is never an option, but here it is your best friend. All you have to do is walk in a straight line in a certain direction until the cops lose interest in you. Once this happens, you will be able to continue where you left off.

Killing Enemies:

This step is counterintuitive as you will have to kill cops and/or enemy gangs in order to remove your notoriety level. This makes sense, because the more you kill, the less enemies your enemies will have. Thus, the hordes of enemies will become a handful. Which is easier to deal with.

That’s all about how to remove your renown level in Saints Row Reboot.

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