Scientists manage to control dead spiders with robotics

Scientists manage to control dead spiders with robotics

The researchers manage to control the dead spiders to make a necrotic claw.

This is a scientific achievement that we did not expect. The researchers were able to control the limbs of the dead spiders and make them “work”at will, forming a “trap”that can cling tightly to objects 130% heavier.

Researchers manage to control dead spiders

This may sound downright intimidating, and it certainly is! And not only for those who are afraid of spiders. These “dead but controlled”spiders have been called “necrobots”.

All this is possible because spiders do not have as many muscle fibers as most other animals. Instead, their legs are powered primarily by hydraulic (blood) pressure, which is why some spider species can jump up to 50 times their height.

It’s not just paw activation. Researchers believe that having a spider’s claw on hand could be very useful for catching other insects, as spiders can easily blend into their surroundings.

make necrobotic tweezers

“Remote activation of our necrobotic forceps will allow them to be used outdoors to collect small and fragile specimens or to stealthily capture small biological creatures (such as flies) in the wild, hiding in the environment,” the research article says.

According to the document, a spider can squeeze its (dead) legs 1,000 times, which is a particularly high rate. There is also a long description of “non-robot claw making procedure”, but if it had to be summed up, we’d say it’s just a matter of installing a hydraulic pressure system on the legs.

While this does represent a significant scientific breakthrough, arachnophobia sufferers certainly have an additional reason to worry: what could be scarier than a spider if not an undead spider?

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