24 Twitter demographics that will matter to marketers in 2022

24 Twitter demographics that will matter to marketers in 2022

The small but powerful word count on Twitter has taken over since the platform was first launched in 2006. The microblogging app is not only an effective tool for communication (and memes), but also for business: a single Twitter ad has the potential to reach 436.4 million people.

But who are these users? Demographics matter. Where do they live? How much money do they earn? Are they old enough to rent a car or legally buy fireworks? All the important questions to ask when using a social marketing platform, especially if you’re running a pyrotechnic car sharing business. (This is my idea, no one stole it.)

These statistics reveal everything you need to know about who uses Twitter and who doesn’t. From demographics by age and gender to platform lovers and haters, we’ve got you covered.

General demographics of Twitter users

1. Twitter is the 15th most popular social network in the world.

Sandwiched between Pinterest (the world’s 14th most popular platform) and Reddit (13th), Twitter sits far lower on the list than Facebook and Instagram, but it’s a lineup of giants. It’s like an Olympic swimmer finishing 15th: he’s still one of the best swimmers in the world.

2. Twitter is the 12th most popular search term on Google.

Even though it has its own app (and, you know, bookmarking existing ones), people still often search “twitter”on Google – even more often than Netflix.

3. Twitter.com is visited 7.1 billion times a month.

This is based on Statista data – there were 7.1 billion visits in May 2022, up from 6.8 billion visits in December 2021.

4. Advertising on Twitter can reach 8.8% of all Internet users.

The total number of Internet users is 4.95 billion people, so 8.8% is not that much. Maybe it’s time to start exploring how to use Twitter for business.

Source: Digital 2022

5. By 2025, the number of Twitter users worldwide is expected to grow to 497.48 million.

This is almost five hundred million, if you count (and we count).

Source: Statesman

6. 82% of active Twitter users say they use the platform for entertainment.

A 2021 Statista study found that 82% of frequent tweeters (those who tweet 20 or more times per month, referred to as “high volume”in this data) use Twitter for entertainment. 78% said they use the microblogging platform to stay informed, and 77% said they used it as a way to express their opinion. Not surprisingly, only 29% of low active Twitter users (those who write less than 20 tweets per month) said they use Twitter as a way to express themselves… after all, you can’t really express yourself on the app if you’re not tweeting and don’t retweet.

Source: Statesman

7. When it comes to using social networking sites to get news, Twitter is the most popular source.

At least that’s how it is in the US. In 2021, 55% of Americans reported getting news from Twitter regularly. This makes it the most used social news platform, followed by Facebook at 47%, followed by Reddit (39%), Youtube (30%) and TikTok (29%).


8. Additionally, 57% of people who get news from Twitter say the platform has improved their understanding of current events over the past year.

This is from another American poll. 39% of Twitter news consumers said they learned more about the lives of celebrities and public figures, 37% said it increased their political engagement, and 31% said it increased their stress levels.

Pew Research Center

9. Only 0.2% of Twitter users use Twitter.

In other words, almost everyone on Twitter has accounts on other social networks as well. The highest overlap is with Instagram, with 87.6% of Twitter users also using Instagram. Social media marketers should keep this in mind when designing campaigns (for example, there is much less overlap between Twitter and Snapchat users, so choosing these two platforms can lead to reaching a wider target audience).

10. Most Twitter users don’t really understand their privacy settings.

Yes. According to a 2021 Pew Research survey, 35% of Twitter users said they either have a personal Twitter account or are unsure of their privacy settings… but of those users, 83% actually had a public Twitter account. (Psst – if you’re unsure about your own settings, check out these tips for optimizing your Twitter settings.)

Source: Pew Research Center

Twitter age demographics

11. Most Twitter users are between the ages of 25 and 34.

Globally, 38.5% of Twitter users are between the ages of 25 and 34, making them the largest age group using the app. So, if you’re trying to build brand awareness in this age group, Twitter is great.

The smallest age group is 13-17 years old (6.6%), which is perhaps for the best.

Source: Statesman

12. 20% of people aged 18 to 34 have a positive attitude towards Twitter.

In fact, opinions on Twitter seem to be inversely related to age, with younger people tending to have positive opinions, while older people tend to have unfavorable ones. This is shown in the Statista chart below, with the light blue (“very favorable”) fragment getting smaller as the age group increases, and the red (“very unfavorable”) fragment increasing as the age group increases.

Source: Statesman

13. Since 2014-15, the number of teenagers using Twitter has decreased.

According to PEW Research, 33% of teens in the US reported using Twitter in 2014–2015, but only 23% of teens reported using the platform in 2021. Teen interest in Facebook has also declined, while Instagram and Snapchat have seen increases. increase (from 52% to 62% and from 41% to 59% respectively).

Source: Pew Research Center

14. Twitter has the smallest age difference among users of any popular social platform.

This means that the age difference between the youngest Twitter users and the oldest Twitter users is smaller (35 years) than in other applications – for example, the age difference for Snapchat users is 63 years. While Twitter’s age gap is small, it’s not the smallest (this award goes to Facebook, which has an average age gap of 20 years).

Source: Pew Research Center

Gender demographics on Twitter

15. Globally, 56.4% of Twitter users identify as male.

And 43.6% identify as women.

Source: Statesman

16. 1/4 of all American men use Twitter.

This is only slightly higher than the statistics for women – 22% of American women use the application.

Source: Statesman

17. 35% of American women are positive about Twitter and 43% of American men are positive about Twitter.

According to a 2021 study by Statista, 43% of American men have a “very favorable”or “relatively positive”opinion of Twitter, and 35% of American women feel the same way.

Source: Statesman

Twitter Location Demographics

18. The United States is the country with the most Twitter users at 76.9 million.

The US is followed by Japan (58.95 million users), then India (23.6 million users), then Brazil (19.05 million users).

Source: Statesman

19. Singapore is the country with the highest Twitter ad reach (53.9%).

This means that ads and promoted tweets can reach just over half of Singaporeans, which is the country with the highest reach. After Singapore comes Japan (52.3%) and then Saudi Arabia (50.4%).

20. The US has the largest ad audience on Twitter.

Since America is the country with the most Twitter users, it is also the country with the largest advertising audience. Twitter ads can reach 27.3% of all Americans over the age of 13.

Source: Digital 2022

22. 26% of US adults have a “fairly positive”opinion of Twitter.

This is evidenced by data from a 2021 Statista survey. The same data shows that 13% of American adults are very positive about Twitter, 15% are somewhat unfavorable about Twitter, and 18% are very unfavorable about Twitter. In other words, opinions are ambiguous, but whether they scroll love or scroll hate, they still scroll.

Source: Statesman

Demographics of income on Twitter

23. Only 12% of Americans who earn less than $30,000 a year use Twitter.

The numbers are higher in higher income groups. 29% of Americans who make $30,000 to $49,999 a year use Twitter, and 34% of Americans who make $75,000 or more a year use Twitter.

Source: Pew Research Center

Education Demographics on Twitter

24. 33% of Twitter users have college degrees.

In fact, college-educated people make up the largest percentage of Twitter users, with 26% having graduated from some college and 14% with a college or high school education. Scientists unite.

Source: Statesman

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