How to use the quantum catapult in Stellaris

How to use the quantum catapult in Stellaris

Stellaris is a massive multiplayer grand strategy game that involves space exploration by technologically superior species in a race to conquer the galaxy. This space sandbox game allows players to interact, explore, explore and strategize to expand their galactic empire. Transport being an important part of space colonization, the game offers you several options. Jump Drives are one of the first modes of transportation that players can use, but you soon realize that they are not enough. Quantum Catapults are slingshot mega-structures that warp space-time to launch your fleet up to 5 times the distance traveled by jump drives. So, in this guide, we will discuss,

How to use quantum catapults in Stellaris

First, you need to launch the game with the Overlords DLC that introduced them. Now, while Slingshot to the Stars Origin gives you this from the start, you can also build a quantum catapult around a neutron star (pulsar) for 300 influence and 5,000 alloys. This will be the basic catapult, which can later be upgraded for more accurate launches. This is because Quantum Catapults, while better than some of the other FTL options, still just launch your troops in a general direction near the desired destination.

To use these megastructures, follow these steps:

  • Select the fleets you want to launch and land them in the same star system as your Catapult.
  • Now open Galaxy View and click on the catapult icon in the bottom left panel.
  • You should now see a wider map and a circle to mark the “throw range”of the catapult. This range can be extended with upgraded catapults.
  • Select your desired destination somewhere in the general direction where you wish to catapult your fleet.
  • After a short charging period, the Quantum Catapult will launch your fleet.

You must also remember to be careful when using quantum catapults to launch your fleet. This is because they are inaccurate, and sometimes this can cause your fleet to enter an area with closed borders, resulting in immediate missing.

That’s all it takes to use quantum catapults in Stellaris.

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