Apex Legends Party Member Preload Error: How to Fix

Apex Legends Party Member Preload Error: How to Fix

Despite constant updates or fixes, Apex Legends has quite a few bugs, bugs, and glitches. However, the group member preload error rarely occurs. But whenever this happens, players cannot queue for matches. While it can be frustrating, we have put together a few possible methods to fix this problem. So, check out our guide on how to fix a party member preload error in Apex Legends.

How to fix party member preload error in Apex Legends

Here are some ways to resolve this error in Apex Legends:

Exit the lobby or restart the game

This can be an effective solution, as evidenced by the majority of Apex players in the community. All you have to do is exit the lobby and return to the main menu. Then check if the preload error persists by joining a match. If this is the case, we suggest exiting the game and launching it again. Since this error can be caused by members of your group, you can also ask them to do the same and check.

Restart your computer or console

If the error persists, you can restart your console or PC to resolve the issue. In most cases, this classic method solves most of the issues. And it worked for some players in the community. So, try restarting your device and launch Apex Legends.

Contact EA Support

Finally, if none of the above worked for you, go to EA Help. There you can submit a ticket with a description of the error you encountered. You will receive a response from a dedicated team and hopefully resolve the issue.

That’s all for how to fix party member preload error in Apex Legends. If you liked this guide, check out other Apex Legends guides in our dedicated section.

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