11 Common Facebook Marketplace Scams and How to Avoid Them

11 Common Facebook Marketplace Scams and How to Avoid Them

Every month, over a billion consumers use the Facebook Marketplace to buy and sell things. The latest Federal Trade Commission study shows that Facebook Marketplace scams are becoming more common.

Experts say that Facebook Marketplace customers interact and communicate with sellers much more directly than on Amazon. “This gives scammers a chance to lure victims into many scams with less oversight.”

With the help of experts, you can protect your money from shopping thieves by learning about the most common Facebook Marketplace scams and how to prevent them.

While the Facebook Marketplace is a great way to shop for products, there are a few common scams that you should be aware of. In this blog post, we’ll look at some common Facebook Marketplace scams.

11 Most Common Facebook Marketplace Scams and How to Avoid Them (Buyer and Seller Fraud)

Trying to buy something on the Facebook marketplace? Facebook Marketplace is a great way to find unique and affordable products, but be aware of Facebook Marketplace scams. Here are the eleven most common scams:

  1. Free shipping scam.
  2. One-time purchase scam.
  3. “bait and switch”scam
  4. Fraud “Low price, no delivery”
  5. “I am a member of a group” scam
  6. Defective or Counterfeit Product Fraud
  7. Never refund overpayment
  8. Never reply to text messages or OTP on your phone.
  9. Be sure to avoid rental scams.
  10. Avoid claiming lost packages
  11. Never rely on a payment receipt provided by a buyer.

1. Free shipping scam.

This Facebook Marketplace scam promises free shipping on all items but charges you extra for shipping after you’ve made a purchase. Be sure to read the seller’s policies carefully to avoid being scammed.

2. One-time purchase scam.

This scam promises you a one-time purchase price for an item, but charges you an additional fee after the purchase. Double check the seller’s policy to make sure the item you are buying is available for sale.

3. A bait and switch scam

This scam promises you a low price for an item but charges you a high interest rate after you make a purchase. Be sure to read the seller’s policies carefully to make sure you’re getting the best deal possible.

4. “Low price, no shipping” scam

This Facebook Marketplace scam promises you a low price for an item but charges you extra for shipping. Be sure to carefully review the seller’s policies to ensure that the item you are purchasing is actually available for purchase.

5. “I’m a member of a group”scam

This Facebook Marketplace scam promises you a low price for an item but then charges you extra to join the group. Be sure to read the seller’s policies carefully to make sure that the group really exists and that the fake group is not deceiving you.

6. Fraud with defective or counterfeit goods

Even though shipping the item to you may result in a good deal, there is some risk involved. It is recommended that you complete the transaction in person, especially if you are purchasing an electronic product, so that you can verify that it actually works.

  • Your phone, tablet, laptop, game console, or other device must be turned on.
  • Make sure it’s charged and that you can run it fully.

7. Never refund an overpayment

They will send you the overpayment by check and from time to time they will ask you to refund the overpayment. The check will bounce most of the time. You have lost the item you are selling and give them some of your money.

  • You are responsible for the fee for a bounced check to the bank.
  • Never settle for an overpayment; this is a guaranteed scam.

8. Never reply to text messages or OTPs on your phone.

The sneaky scam starts when another person recommends switching the conversation from Marketplace to text messaging. Scammers often claim that you will receive a text message with a number to “verify your identity”. You can continue the transaction after sending the verification code to the other person.

  • The other party can access one of your accounts using this code, which can be a two-factor authentication code.
  • The other party may start more scams using this information as an authorization code to set up a new Google Voice number.
  • Never send any code to “show you are a real person”, especially to someone you don’t know.

9. Be sure to avoid rental scams.

Do you rent an apartment through the Facebook Marketplace messenger? Be careful. It is easy to create a false list of properties that are not for rent. Or it just isn’t, but not through this Marketplace seller.

  • Always check the legality of the lease by contacting the property manager.
  • They will require copious personal and confidential information.

10. Avoid claiming lost packages

Be careful when sending the goods to the buyer. Always use the tracking number to disprove any claim that the shipment was never shipped or lost.

Insist on a tracking number if you are a buyer so you can check if the item is on its way and know when it will arrive.

11. Never rely on a receipt provided by a buyer.

Working with a well-known online payment system such as PayPal is recommended if you are selling something. Also, if you’re still familiar with online payments, don’t take the customer’s word that they paid.

8 Best Ways to Avoid Facebook Marketplace Scams

1. Get a tracking number.

If you receive a package in the mail, ask for a tracking number. Also, be sure to use Facebook Checkout when shopping for groceries.

2. Meet the seller in person.

On Facebook Marketplace, use filters to limit your search to items that can be picked up on site and meet the seller in person so you can inspect the item before paying.

3. Do a little research.

Always take the time to make sure you are talking to the right person. Hauck always recommends checking the seller’s profile for negative reviews and avoiding newly created accounts without reviews.

4. Don’t share confidential information.

In most cases, you must not disclose your banking information, credit card information, social security number, date of birth, or mobile phone number to others. “Be careful if someone asks for this information during progress,” Clemens says.

5. Do not make an advance payment for the goods before receiving them.

For safety reasons, carry out the exchange in a well-lit public area. Handle cash and goods at the same time. Be sure to make an exceptionally vivid display of such interactions.

6. Don’t attend meetings alone.

When meeting a seller face-to-face, Facebook recommends taking a friend with you or sharing your itinerary with a friend or family member as an extra precaution.

7. Buy products with Facebook.

Using official payment and shipping methods will keep your money safe if something goes wrong.

8. Refuse to overpay.

Receive all payments through Facebook approved channels. All prices through unauthorized channels will help the scammer escape. It is recommended that you pay only through approved channels. If they ask for money from another carrier, then this is a wake-up call for you.

How do I submit a Facebook Marketplace fraud report?

If you encounter a scammer on your Facebook account, you should not contact the buyer or seller and report the incident to Facebook.

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