How to buy, sell and donate a used Starlink dish

How to buy, sell and donate a used Starlink dish

From the end of 2020, Starlink began to provide satellite Internet around the world. However, used Starlink dishes are becoming more common on online marketplaces like eBay and Facebook. As a result, more and more people are thinking about how to buy, sell or transfer a used Starlink.

So now you’ve used your Starlink quite a bit and you’re thinking maybe you need to keep it long term and want to sell it. Or, if you’re downright furious, you can buy a used Starlink to whet your appetite. For that, here is our guide to help you buy, sell and even transfer a used Starlink.


How to sell a used Starlink

If you’re in the mood to sell your used Starlink, follow these simple steps and you’re done:

  1. Make sure you pay your bills in full.
  2. List your Starlink on eBay or any other website where you sell your Starlink.
  3. Please select the appropriate rate.
  4. Once you have found a seller, contact Starlink and let them know that you are ready to sell your equipment. They will check if the service is available at your customer’s location. You will have to look for another buyer if the service is not available.
  5. Once Starlink confirms that the service is available at your buyer’s location, provide them with complete information such as billing address, email address, name and ID.
  6. Starlink will send your new buyer a form via email and he/she will have to complete this form.
  7. Complete the process by taking 50% after confirming the name and email in Starlink. Once you transfer your Starlink, take the remaining 50%. The amount is for reference only. You can do it your way.

How to buy a used Starlink

If you don’t get your hands on a Starlink with a long waiting period, you can also get a used Starlink that someone is selling for a reasonable price. If you don’t want to buy a used Starlink, you can also purchase a Starlink RV. Follow these steps to buy a used Starlink:

  1. First of all, make sure Starlink is available in your area.
  2. Now check if you can place an order on Starlink for $599. If yes, then you can buy a used Starlink and even a new one.
  3. However, if it shows you can pre-order now for $99, you won’t be able to buy a used Starlink.
  4. Now send the seller your information like full address, email address, ID and anything else if needed.
  5. Fill out the transfer form you will receive from Starlink.
  6. After you receive an order to transfer the used Starlink, you can pay money for the used Starlink.

Is it possible to buy a used Starlink

Yes and no, both. You can offer your used Residential Starlink equipment for sale to anyone who needs it at their service address. The hardware is yours as soon as you buy Starlink. Starlink guarantees that you are free to use your equipment as you see fit.

However, at the time of writing, Starlink has suspended all transfer requests and forms. This news is provided by their own official sites, which states that this feature is not available for rolling out new features.

Tips for Buying and Selling Starlink

If you are starting the process of selling or buying for the first time, these tips should come in handy:

  1. If you are buying a used Starlink, make payment only after receiving confirmation from Starlink. You wouldn’t want to buy or sell a dish only to find out later that you can’t pass on the service.
  2. Take advantage of eBay Buyer Protection when shopping there. You will have to pay up front when using eBay, so be sure to let the seller know what you expect from them and tell them about the procedure if they don’t know. Bonus Tip: Feel free to share this guide as well.
  3. Check the condition of the Starlink dish you are using. Make sure it’s turned on, connected to satellites, and connected to the internet. Being able to see something in person is always preferable.
  4. Please check if your Starlink seller account is active or closed when purchasing. Ask them if their bill is fully paid and if there are any late payments, and confirm that they canceled the payment themselves.
  5. Ask for the buyer’s home address in advance when selling. To determine if an address is available. You should not continue working with this client if you cannot fulfill the order.

Can I cancel the transfer process?

Yes, you can cancel the transfer process. If you notice some ingenuity on the part of the buyer, you should immediately cancel the transfer process by contacting Starlink support and raising a ticket.

Can you transfer Starlink RV?

Starlink RV cannot be transferred at the time of writing because it is location independent. If you still want to sell your Starlink motorhome, it’s up to you and how much risk you can take.

What should be the average price of a used Starlink?

Since the introduction of the portability mode, the used Starlink market has experienced explosive growth. A used Starlink is obviously less valuable because a new Starlink kit costs $599.

It doesn’t make much sense to list used dishes for more than the manufacturer’s recommended retail price if the buyer’s address is available for orders. We say this because you can find a lot of users on eBay selling used Sattelites for a tidy sum. We say this because people are paying over $1,500 for Starlink meals on eBay. But prices have started to come down since the introduction of the Starlink RV.

We think a used Starlink kit should cost between $400 and $450 at most, depending on condition. If you are a consumer, buy a new Starlink instead of overpaying for a used Starlink. If you are a seller, only unqualified buyers will be interested in a dish that is priced higher than the manufacturer’s suggested retail price.

bottom line

Well, that’s all we have on how you can buy, sell and transfer a used Starlink. We hope this guide has helped you. Since Starlink has suspended all transfer requests, we suggest that you wait and not sell it until the transfer program starts again. Until then, you can go ahead and choose other lower cost, higher speed ISPs like Fiber.

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