HP servers hacked for cryptocurrency mining

HP servers hacked for cryptocurrency mining

HP servers hacked for cryptocurrency mining. The hackers could earn the equivalent of $110,000 from the Raptoreum.

There are several ways to earn cryptocurrency. Among them, they can be bought or exchanged through exchange platforms. Another method is to mine the specified cryptocurrency yourself. That being said, mining can be difficult in terms of efficiency, or at least relatively profitable mining, you will need a pretty impressive machine setup.

HP servers hacked for cryptocurrency mining

If you can’t invest enough to run a proper mining operation, what’s the other best option? It turns out that hackers came up with the idea to hack existing servers. According to several recent reports, a group of hackers managed to break into a data center full of HP servers and use those machines to mine the equivalent of $110,000 worth of cryptocurrencies.

Reports say hackers have infiltrated HP servers and reprogrammed them to mine Raptoreum. If these servers are indeed made by HP, then it is not HP that has been hacked. At the time of writing, it is unclear which company was affected by this hack.

The hackers could earn the equivalent of $110,000 from the Raptoreum.

It has also been suggested that hackers exploited the Log4J vulnerability to gain access to these servers. In any case, this is not the first time we have heard of pirates inviting themselves onto cryptocurrency mining machines. In the past, we have even heard of malware targeting devices such as home computers and even mobile devices to mine cryptocurrency without the knowledge of their owners.

And there is no doubt that, given the craze for crypto assets, this kind of misadventure will multiply in all areas, both on professional machines and on the machines of individuals. Caution is needed more than ever.

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