How to increase items in Hogwarts Legacy

How to increase items in Hogwarts Legacy

Want to learn how to adjust the size of items in Hogwarts Legacy? Well, like everything else in the wizarding world, magic is needed here too. Moreover, this can only be done in the Requirement Room. So, if you want to learn how to quickly resize objects, check out our guide below.

How to Adjust the Size of Items in Hogwarts Legacy

Credits: FP Good Game (YouTube)

If you want to change the size of items in Hogwarts Legacy, you will need to use the Change spell. On your controller, you will need to move the buttons up and down to increase or decrease the size of the element, respectively. As the name suggests, the Change spell is used to change the size of objects in Hogwarts Legacy.

However, it is important to remember that the Change spell can only be used in the Requirement Room. You will not be able to use this spell in the normal world. First you need to unlock the Room of Requirement, which can be done by completing the Tomes and Troubles quest. Once you get to the room, you will meet Professor Weasley, who will unlock the change spell for you.

Professor Weasley will also teach you Conjuring and Evanesco (disappear) spells along with the Change spell. While Affliction helps you summon or create objects in the Requirement Room, Evanesco will do the latter, i.e. remove the items. You’ll find these spells come in very handy in the Requirement Room.

Adjusting the size of the objects in Hogwarts Legacy can be done to decorate the Required Room. If you want all of your potions, crafting table, decorations, artwork, and furniture to look tidy, then you should use the Change spell.

That’s all you need to know about how to adjust item size in Hogwarts Legacy. We hope this guide has been helpful to you. While you’re still here, you can learn how to get Fluxweed stalks, how to drink invisibility potions, and how to get troll ghosts in our Hogwarts Legacy section.

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