Best IDE Apps for Mac in 2023

Best IDE Apps for Mac in 2023

Dealing with errors when working with C/C++, PHP, Python, Java, Swift, or any other programming language is an uphill battle. An integrated development environment (IDE) is a workspace where you can create, package, and edit code.

With the frustrations of coding in mind, I’ve put together this list of the best Mac IDE apps that give you some extra features and, more importantly, are compatible with your MacBook Pro and Air.

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio
  2. android studio
  3. PyCharm
  4. Xcode
  5. NetBeans

1. Microsoft Visual Studio is an all-in-one integrated development environment.

Visual Studio is a Microsoft IDE written in C++ that can be used to create complex, high performance programs. It’s more than just editing or debugging software. Compilers, code completion tools, graphic designers, and source code management features also help in the software development process.

The nice part about the app is that it allows you to develop an app and route it to any device running on any platform. It makes day-to-day operations smoother and faster by diagnosing and fixing problems before they occur, allowing you to focus on code rather than syntax.

The software allows you to work in various programming languages, although it is most compatible with Azure and. NET. The program is available for both Windows and Mac and is great for coding, building, debugging, deploying, collaborating, analyzing and learning.

Whether you’re working on Cloud, Desktop/Mac, App Development, Game Development, Data Science, Machine Learning, or AI projects, you can code on. NET, C#, C++, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js. However, when running on a Mac, you are only allowed to use. NET and C#, and trust me when I say it’s one of the best C# IDEs you can find for your Mac.

With a new dark mode and built-in macOS accessibility features, Visual Studio truly takes advantage of macOS. If you are using Windows, the sophisticated IDE is available in three editions: Community 2022, Enterprise 2022, and Professional 2022. Mac users can download the free version from the link below.

Note. The VS Code text editor is a completely different application and should not be confused with Visual Studio.

Supported programming languages:. NET, C#, C++, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, etc.


  • Easy to use user interface
  • Supports extensions
  • Finding bugs is easy


  • Drains battery
  • It can slow down your system


2. Android Studio is your favorite app maker

Google and JetBrains, giants in their fields, have jointly developed an integrated development environment (IDE) called Android Studio. The program is written in JavaScript, Kotlin and C++. Also, it can be seen as a replacement for Eclipse Android Development Tools (E-ADT).

Whether you are an experienced developer or just starting your app development career, Android Studio is the best IDE for you. The app allows you to encode for any device including iPhone, Android, watch and TV.

You can emulate any iPhone or Android device, and its development extends to WearOS, the backbone of Google’s wearables. Personally, I’m looking forward to the day they enable watchOS app development in the IDE. You can also install third-party extensions to make your coding experience more fun, manageable, and smooth.

The minimum requirements to install it on a Mac are: 8 GB of RAM, macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or higher, an ARM-based or 2nd generation Intel Core processor with hypervisor support, at least 8 GB of available disk space, and a screen. resolution 1280×800.

Supported programming languages: Groovy, Kotlin, Scala, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, etc.


  • Rich feature set
  • Removes time consuming tasks
  • Flexible system design


  • Takes up a lot of space
  • Sometimes it may lag behind your system


3. PyCharm is your DS and ML helper

Python is one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the IT sector. Whereas the JetBrains PyCharm IDE is the best Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Python. The core of the program is written in Java and Python programming languages.

The software includes code analysis, a graphical debugger, a built-in unit tester, an interface to version control systems, and support for Django. This program is excellent because it is cross-platform and works on Microsoft Windows, macOS and Linux.

Also, the IDE is well known for providing shortcuts to each of its features that you can learn over time. In addition, the IDE can generate code for constructors, destructors, getters/setters, and other similar functions.

Code refactoring is easy when using PyCharm, which is one of the most important aspects of developing bug-free code. Another feature that helps improve your writing efficiency is the conflict highlighter, which allows you to resolve code issues before compiling.

In addition, PyCharm comes in two editions: Professional Edition and Community Edition, both of which are available for Macs with Intel processors and Macs with Apple chips.

Supported programming language: Python.


  • Integration tools available
  • Can perform DS & ML
  • Refactoring possible


  • Installation can be tricky


4. Xcode – Apple developer

Swift is another famous programming language. It is primarily used in app development for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. Apple is protective of its technology and doesn’t want to be tampered with, so the company has created a whole IDE known as XCode that allows programmers to write programs for Apple devices.

The IDE, like the others on the list, supports cross-platform development. The performance of the software has increased and new features have been added to the newly released version to assist developers in development.

The SwiftUI integration allows you to code an attractive interface. In addition, regular expressions in Swift are integrated with syntax highlighting, refactoring operations, and more, and when scrolling, code structure (such as function declarations) is visible, so you always know where you are.

Like all other IDEs, it includes simple and fast navigation as well as keyboard shortcuts for most functions. An impressive feature of the IDE is the ability to autocomplete code more intelligently, and additional dynamic snippets will help you get the code you need faster. It checks your code as you type and displays errors right away. There is also a built-in debugger.

Start developing apps for your Apple devices by downloading XCode from the link below.

Supported programming languages: Swift, SwiftUI.


  • Smooth Navigation
  • Application Testing
  • Scheme


  • Not available for Windows


5. NetBeans is an old dog

Since the core of the product is developed in Java, NetBeans by Apache Foundation and Oracle Corporation supports all JAVA platforms, plugins, etc. and is considered one of the best IDEs for Java. Plus, installing a plugin to improve your coding experience and adding non-default programming languages ​​takes just a few clicks.

Enterprise-level applications that prioritize security often use JAVA, which has been around for a long time. JAVA, like all other languages, has many frameworks, and this IDE comes with a built-in terminal, debugger, and version control tools to make it easier for you to write in it.

You can generate certain codes in the application, such as getter/setter syntax, constructors, exceptions, etc. This, like any other IDE, checks your code in real time and warns you if there is a conflict with variables or classes.

If you prefer JAVA for application development, this is an all-in-one IDE. Unlike other premium IDEs, this one only offers a community edition that gives you full access for free.

Supported programming languages: Java, PHP, JavaFX, JavaScript, C/C++, Python, HTML5, etc.


  • Create and deploy a server
  • Easy to install
  • Lightweight runtime


  • Reference resolution does not always happen automatically.


Final deployment…

The IDEs described above have all the tools that a developer might need to create a brand new application. Using these integrated development environment applications will surely save you time and effort. You just need to use your coding skills and this best IDE for Mac will do the rest. For more content like this, be sure to check out my recommendations below.

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