Overwatch 2: The best counters for Reinhardt

Overwatch 2: The best counters for Reinhardt

Reinhardt is an easy pick for those who want to dominate Overwatch 2. His ability to provide a strong frontline with his barrier field, combined with fast melee damage breakdown, makes him the best tank for most. But even walls can be taken down with the right tools, so here is a list of the best heroes that can take on Reinhardt in Overwatch 2.

The best Reinhardt counters in Overwatch 2

  • Tracer
  • farra
  • Reaper


Tracer’s speed and agility is the perfect response to Reinhardt’s slow and deliberate play style. Her mobility is the key to getting past the Reinhardt Barrier Field and taking valuable damage. The best strategy when playing as Tracer is to maintain pressure from a safe distance out of Reinhardt’s melee range, occasionally retreating with Retrieve. Constant pressure with this strategy is the key to countering Reinhardt.


Pharah’s flight abilities can make her an easy target for opponents, but it allows her to counter slower heroes like Reinhardt with ease. His Barrier can be useless against any of Pharah’s air attacks, and her ultimate can instantly kill any Reinhardt that gets in her way. The best way to play as Pharah is to only fly in the air for short periods of time while you flank Reinhardt’s defenses.


The Reaper was specifically designed to destroy tanks. His high-damage Hellfire shotguns can cut through the Reinhart Field, leaving him unprotected. Reaper’s ghost form can come in handy against Reinhart’s melee attacks, as he becomes invulnerable in this form. Players should keep in mind that Reaper’s shotguns are only effective at close range, so an aggressive playstyle is required to successfully deploy them.

This is our pick of the best Reinhardt counters in Overwatch 2. Check out our detailed Overwatch 2 wiki for more such guides.

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