Top 20 longest streaks on Snapchat

Top 20 longest streaks on Snapchat

You open Snapchat, take an expressive photo and share it with your best friend. Your friend views your picture and contributes by sharing the picture with you.

If you both do this for the next two days in a row, a Snapchat streak will form between you.

Launched on April 6, 2015, the Instant Messaging Series feature took the internet by storm as users started chatting with their friends.

Some of them, as you gradually learned from this article, managed to get their names in the longest Snapchat record book.

Read on as we take a closer look at the feature and take a look at the 20 longest Snapchat streaks recorded to date. So, without further ado, let’s get straight to it.

What is a Snapchat stripe?

Out of all the various aspects of Snapchat or Snap that draw users to the instant messaging platform, the stripe feature comes first.

Simply put, the Snapchat streak feature, launched on April 6, 2015, is an exciting built-in feature that measures your level of activity with another user on the platform.

A Snapstreak or just a streak is triggered when you send or receive a snap from another user for at least three consecutive days.

By default, the fire emoji (?) appears next to your name and your partner’s name on the chat screen. However, you can change the fire emoji and set your favorite emoji in the settings.

Also, the number next to the fire emoji denotes the number of days that particular streak has been active. Similarly, there are other emojis associated with Snapchat’s stripe feature.

They are discussed below.

  • 100 (?)

The 100 (?) emoji means you’ve completed a 100 day streak with your Snapchat friend. To mark this milestone, Snapchat displays 100 emojis next to your name and your partner’s name.

Note: emoji 100 (? is automatically replaced with fire (?) on day 101 of your streak.

  • Hourglass (⏳)

Another important emoji associated with stripes on Snapchat is the hourglass (⏳). As mentioned above, you must share a snap (photo or video) within 24 hours for your Snapchat streak to continue.

However, there is a possibility that some of you may forget to share the picture. In these situations, Snapchat displays an hourglass (⏳) emoji next to the contact’s name to tell them to share the streak within the next 4 hours or else the streak will break.

So you’ll see an hourglass emoji (⏳) if you haven’t shared a snap in the last 20 hours. As soon as you share it, the emoji will be automatically deleted.

So, that’s all about the Snapchat strip feature. Let’s now see how to start a Snapchat streak in the next section.

How to run Snapstreak?

We can bet that you must have been seriously interested in the Snapchat Streak feature after reading its description in the section above. So let’s see how you can start a streak with another user on Snapchat.

To start a Snapchat streak, follow these quick steps.

  • Launch the Snapchat app on your smartphone.
  • On the home screen, tap the Add Friends icon. You will find this option in the top right corner of the screen.
  • On the next screen, you will see the entire list of users that you can either add to Snapchat or accept their invitations. To do this, click “Add”or “Accept”.
  • The Snap option will then appear next to that person’s name. Click on it.
  • You will now be taken to the camera screen. You can either create a quick snapshot or select one from your camera roll to send ahead.
  • Now all you have to do is wait for the other person to view and share the snap with you.

Once you get the shot, continue the last two steps for the next two days in a row to start the series.

What is the longest Snapstreak to date?

As mentioned above, the number next to the fire emoji (?) represents the duration of the Snapstreak.

The longest Snapchat streak ever recorded on the platform to date is over 2492 days as of March 2022. It belongs to Samko and Fatmis.

Top 20 longest streaks on Snapchat so far

These are the top 20 longest Snapchat streaks ever recorded by Snapchat users around the world.

  1. Daniel and Robin, 2478 ?
  2. Tia Riccola and Haley Yockey 2448?
  3. Sander Bo and Fredrik Indrehus, 24:30?
  4. Caitlin and Brooke 2427?
  5. Megan and Shane, 2426?
  6. Colin and Marsha, 2419?
  7. Megan and Jessica, 2416?
  8. Alex and Natalie, 2403?
  9. Cohen and Martin, 2386?
  10. Brooke and Lori, 2358 ?
  11. Tiana Louis and Melissa Lam, 2331?
  12. Jody and Izzy 2320?
  13. Jake Schwartz and Lexi Psycho, 2306?
  14. Delroy and James, 2252 ?
  15. Josie and Cielo, 2250?
  16. Jamal White and Camryn Rage, 2245?
  17. Tia Riccola and Isabelle Molina, 2242?
  18. Jessica and Sarena 2152?
  19. Eden and Frido, 2055?
  20. Nate Dyer and Taylor Lee, 2000?

These are the top 20 longest streaks on Snapchat, in descending order.

Is there a limit on the number of episodes on Snapchat?

If you’re wondering if there are any Snapchat streak limits, the answer is NO. There is no limit to how long two users can continue their streak.

In fact, the longer your Snapchat streak, the more rewards and trophies you’ll get.

However, to do so, you must keep Snapstreak running by sending snaps, also known as photos and videos, within a fixed 24-hour window.

Make sure you don’t get an hourglass emoji (⏳) as that means you only have 4 hours left to share the snap.

How to save a Snapchat streak?

Let’s now see how you can save your Snapstreak and make it the longest one on Snapchat.

  • Be consistent

This goes without saying. Snapchat streak rules require two users to exchange snaps within 24 hours for the streak to continue. Therefore, both of you must be serious and consistent here.

It is recommended that you start the series with someone you interact with on a daily basis in person or virtually. Also, the other person must be a passionate Snapper who loves taking and sharing snaps on a daily basis.

  • Don’t get creative with your Snaps

Yes, we understand that you must love sharing amazing and exciting snaps on Snapchat to showcase your creativity. However, this can become a problem in the long run, especially if your goal is to create the longest streaks on Snapchat.

To avoid not having enough time to click the perfect photo or take a video and edit it before submitting, we recommend submitting a blank photo with only “Stripes”mentioned in the middle.

It’s the best and easiest way to keep going without spending too much time getting those amazing shots.

  • Send pictures at a fixed time

This is the most important tip for you. Try to send snaps at a specific time each day and ask another person to do the same. By having a fixed time to send and receive snaps, there’s less chance that either of you will forget to share a snap.

Ideally, start your Snapchat streaks later in the day, preferably at night. This is because 22:00 to 1:00 is the best time to start a series.

  • Focus on the list of best friends

You can start a streak on Snapchat with anyone. It doesn’t matter if they are your best friends (though they should be!) or not. In such cases, that person you have a streak with may not appear on your Snapchat best friends list.

If this applies to you, we recommend that you rename your contacts. The application allows you to do it in one go.

Follow these steps to edit your friend’s Snapchat name if they set a stupid username.

  • Launch the Snapchat app.
  • Go to your friend’s profile by clicking on their profile picture.
  • Now click on their Snapchat name.
  • A small “Edit Name”box will appear with the option to change the name. Here, add any easy-to-remember name you want and click Save.
  • Or click on the three horizontal dots in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Select Change Name from the menu that opens. Add any name and click Save.

Note. Don’t forget to add the Aaaa prefix to the name so that Snapchat will secure it at the top of its best friends list.

  • Start a Snapchat streak with someone who wants to

Did you know that a streak with someone who wants will help you break all the longest Snapchat streak records?

Not everyone on Snapchat might be interested in taking snaps on a daily basis; even with their contacts. If you end up starting a streak with a similar person, only God can help you keep that streak going.

Hence, find willing members for your Snapchat series. The best way to find such users is extremely simple.

Just post a blank story marked “Hit anyone?”Now, if someone is interested in starting a streak with you, they will ping you in the chat window. That’s all!

  • Send a text message to your friend along with a snapshot

Last but not least, don’t just send a snap and breathe a sigh of relief. For a quick response from the other side, send a text message to your friend along with a snapshot.

You can send any user message asking them to take a picture as soon as they see yours.

So here are six tips to keep your Snapstreak going.

What interactions don’t count on Snapchat?

They say that supporting the Snapchat series is not for everyone. We agree and you should! Why? This is because not all interactions between you and another person with whom you share a streak count towards that streak.

Yes, you heard right! Only photos and videos are considered formal interactions with the Snapchat strip.

This leaves the following common interactions meaningless for bands.

  • Regular text messages
  • Memories of Snapchat
  • Stories
  • Group chats
  • snapchat points

How to recover lost Snapchat streak?

While Snapchat cannot help you with your broken streak in any way, it can help you recover your lost Snapchat streak. There are times when users lost their streaks due to unforeseen reasons.

If you feel like you were in tune with your streak and lost it for unforeseen reasons, here’s how to get it back.

  • Open the Snapchat app on your mobile phone.
  • In the top left corner of the screen, you have your profile picture. Click on it.
  • In your profile section, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Snapchat settings will open it.
  • Scroll down to the “Support”section of the settings.
  • Click on the very first one, that is, on the option “I need help.”
  • On the next screen, select the option – My Snapstreak is gone.
  • You will be asked to fill out a form. The form will ask for your basic details and the exact problem you are experiencing.
  • After entering the required data, check the CAPTCHA code and submit the form.

Snapchat will look into your issue and resolve it as soon as possible.


Snapchat is an exciting social media platform in its own right, with over 500 million Snappers sharing snaps every day.

To spice things up, on April 6, 2015, Snap Inc. launched another one-of-a-kind feature called Streaks. Labeled as a test of your friendship, Snapchat stripes are where friendships are born or die.

Snapstreaks, as it’s commonly known, involve exchanging snaps for several consecutive days without a break.

The longest Snapchat streak ever recorded on the platform to date is over 2492 days as of March 2022. It belongs to Samko and Fatmis.

Similarly, Snapchat has a host of other longest streaks listed above. So, when are you going to try Snapchat’s streak feature? Go through the walkthrough above and start your streak today.

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