6 things to consider when choosing the perfect big data server

6 things to consider when choosing the perfect big data server

At present, the world has accumulated a huge amount of information, and every minute different companies generate a new amount of data. This information is not dead weight, it is stored electronically and used in databases.

A database (DB) is an ordered set of structured information about specific objects of the real world in any subject area, stored in electronic form.

Organizations use the database to find new users and partners and conduct mailing lists to sell products and services.

For this, there are special servers and web hosting. Let’s look at the main parameters to consider when choosing the best big data server for your business.

1. Opening hours and availability.

You must carefully choose a server that guarantees stable network connections to ensure uninterrupted access to your data. The consequences of your data being offline at any time may vary. This may result in the restriction of the client’s access to your information, the suspension of sales in the e-commerce system and the decrease in the site’s ranking in search engines such as Google and Yandex.

Therefore, it is better to choose a level of reliability of 99.5%, but in some cases an even higher level is required. For example, cases that are related to operations with financial resources. In this example, the server uptime should be above 99.5%. Look for companies that guarantee this rate of at least 99%. You can track the performance of your website with certain tools.

2. Storage capacity and network, the ability to add domains.

It happens that at the beginning you need only one domain name and website, but as the project develops, it becomes necessary to increase the number of sites, domains and subdomains. Before entering into a deal with a service provider, carefully review all service packages, and pay attention to whether it is possible to use several sites on one account.

Hosting servers do not limit the number of subdomains in the selection. However, you may need to purchase a more expensive plan to select top-level domains.

The capacity of the data store depends on the size and amount of data. The more files you have, the more storage capacity and network bandwidth you need.

If that’s important to you, choose a server with a plan that can add domains, scale over time, and have lots of storage.

3. Customer service and hosting manageability.

When choosing a server, pay attention to the efficiency and speed of solving technical problems and how customer support is provided. Opt for platforms with 24/7 customer support.

Also pay attention to managed hosting, where the provider solves many problems.

4. Data protection and website backups.

In today’s world, cybercrime is a widespread phenomenon. And, unfortunately, modern statistics show that there is now a trend of active growth in the number of these same cybercrimes. Many malware and ransomware are designed to cause maximum harm to web applications and websites.

These malicious activities often result in huge losses and even the inability to recover confidential and business information. For this reason, it is necessary to back up data on a schedule. To get this opportunity, which allows you to save your budget and data from irreparable loss, you should carefully choose a hosting with the possibility of regular data backups. This simple option will allow you to completely restore your site without significant financial and time losses in the event of a hacker attack on your site.

In addition to ensuring the security of your site, you need to take care of the security of your users, for whom, after all, everything is done. In addition to standard security measures, more advanced security measures are often required. Any outside interference can destroy your business if your site stores sensitive information about your users. To protect your users from such troubles, you need to choose a hosting that will protect against the introduction of malware, as well as from DDoS attacks.

5. E-commerce and mail.

If the email is directly linked to your domain name, you can greatly improve the audience’s experience with your site. You will be able to get more reviews, visitors and buyers on equal terms. That’s why it’s worth choosing a host that will provide you with an email address for your site’s main address.

If you want your web host to handle email addresses, you must ensure that this service is included in your plan. If this option is not included in your service plan, you will need to determine the maximum number of email accounts you can have and whether this will be enough for your business needs.

6. Costs for registration, maintenance and possible hosting conditions.

It is not uncommon for various web hosts to offer attractive offers and rates for providing their services for certain periods or even a free trial period after the first payment. However, this is often just a gimmick to get more customers. After the end of the “profitable”period, the fee for a further subscription may be several times higher. In order not to get into such an unpleasant situation, you need to know in advance the cost of a subsequent subscription.

It is also worth remembering that each hosting company has a whole list of various conditions, in violation of which there is a significant increase in the costs of the user of this web hosting. Sometimes violation of the above conditions even leads to temporary or permanent disconnection of the user from access to web hosting services.

One of the frequent examples is the situation when hosting prohibits the increased use of processor power for the development and calculation of complex scenarios and large-scale calculations. Be sure to take the time to research the limitations of a particular web host and discuss any requirements beforehand. It is also important not to get involved with hosting services that, without setting clear requirements for the user, reserve the right to unilaterally decide to disconnect from the service.

Three popular hosting providers would correspond to the above parameters to one degree or another: Plesk, cPanel and ispmanager.

Finally, I would like to add that there may be more criteria for choosing the server that is ideal for you, and it is up to you to decide which decision to make.

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