Fallout 5 release date Speculation and news

Fallout 5 release date Speculation and news

Does Fallout 5 already have a release date? Bethesda Studio’s popular Fallout series hasn’t had a new game since the launch of Fallout 76 in 2018. Fans of the post-apocalyptic RPG are looking forward to a new single-player campaign in the aftermath of the Fallout 76 disaster. While there isn’t much news about a new Fallout game, let’s go over everything we know about Fallout 5 so far.

When will Fallout 5 be released?

As of now, there is no confirmed release date for Fallout 5. All we know about the game right now is that Bethesda has started laying the groundwork for what Fallout 5 could be. It looks like the studio is already full of plates with the upcoming release of Starfield this year. Todd Howard, studio director at Bethesda, confirmed in an interview that Fallout 5 will be the next game after they finish work on The Elder Scrolls 6.

Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in development and is rumored to release in 2026. If this is true, then Fallout fans will have to wait a long time before they hear anything about the game. For now, all we can do is speculate about the nature of the game. One thing we can expect is a new game engine for the series. If Fallout 76 still used the Creation Engine, then Starfield 2 will use the new Creation Engine 2. So we can assume that the new game will use this new technology. The reaction to 76’s full multiplayer will hopefully convince Bethesda to focus more on the single-player aspects of Fallout 5. The game could also be set in a new location such as Chicago, Alaska or New Orleans. Maybe,

This is all we have when Fallout 5 comes out.

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