Egad! 7 key British PCs of the 1980s that Americans might have missed

Egad! 7 key British PCs of the 1980s that Americans might have missed

If you grew up in America, the early history of home computers in the UK may not be familiar to you. But the UK produced innovative personal computers that were as successful and influential as their counterparts from Atari, Commodore and Radio Shack in the United States.

To get a sense of the UK PC landscape of the 1980s, we consulted veteran UK game developer Kevin Edwards, who helped us identify seven of the most significant platforms.

Working on over 40 games released between 1983 and 2022, Edwards has developed games such as Wolverine for the NES, Ken Griffy Jr. Baseball for Super Nintendo and many games from the Lego Star Wars series. In fact, his first game, Atomic Protector, debuted for BBC Micro 40 years ago.

Sinclair ZX81 (1981)

As a continuation of the groundbreaking ZX80, the Sinclair ZX81 continued Sinclair’s trend of making computing accessible to the masses through its low price and simple design. Designed by the firm founded by British inventor Sir Clive Sinclair, the ZX81 is sold as a kit or pre-assembled. It had a 3.25 MHz Z80 processor, 1 KB of RAM, and a built-in BASIC programming language.

Despite black and white graphics and a flat membrane keyboard, the ZX81 sold over 1.5 million units. Notable software for the ZX81 includes 3D Monster Maze, a groundbreaking first-person 3D game, and Flight Simulation, one of the earliest flight simulators. “The ZX81 was one of the first and most popular home computers,”said Kevin Edwards. “Very affordable, and they gave a lot of people the chance to try a real computer for the first time.”

In 1982, the ZX81 appeared in the US as the Timex-Sinclair 1000, which the company marketed as “the first personal computer under $100”.

BBC micro (1981)

Acorn Computers, in partnership with the British Broadcasting Corporation, developed the BBC Micro to improve computer literacy and programming skills in the UK. Over 1.5 million units were sold and it was a great success. “BBC micro was widespread in schools, colleges and universities,”said Edwards.

The BBC Micro had a 2 MHz 6502 processor and configurations ranging from 16 KB to 128 KB of RAM. Over the years, developers like Edwards have built a rich library of software for the platform, including the highly influential educational software and the popular space trade game Elite, which introduced a generation of British gamers to 3D graphics and free-to-play gameplay.

Believe it or not, Fourth Dimension Systems released a limited edition BBC Micro in the US in 1983, but it failed to make an impact in the highly competitive US PC market.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K (1982)

Following the success of the ZX81, Sinclair Research released the ZX Spectrum, which became an even bigger British blockbuster for Sinclair with over 5 million units sold. It features a 3.5MHz Zilog Z80A processor, 48KB RAM and color graphics, making it an excellent and reliable platform for gaming and educational software. The “Speccy”, as it is often referred to, inspired both a series of official follow-up cars and unauthorized clones produced around the world.

“Spectrum was popular because of the huge selection of games written for it,”said Edwards. Notable games, almost all of which came on cassette, include the iconic Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner, both of which helped define the genre in the UK. And always remember, Americans: it’s pronounced “zed-ex Spectrum”because of the way the British pronounce the Z.

In 1983, the ZX Spectrum entered the US in a heavily modified form as the Timex-Sinclair 2068, although it performed very poorly on the market.

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