How to find heavenly planets in No Man’s Sky

How to find heavenly planets in No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky has millions of unique planets to explore, some of which are even heavenly planets. Each planet has its own unique set of plants and animals, as well as sky color, mood, etc. This is achieved through procedural generation, which ensures that each planet is unique. There are strange alien planets, and there are planets similar to Earth. If you want to build a base, you can do so on a paradise planet. Let’s see how you can find the heavenly planets.

How to find heavenly planets in No Man’s Sky

As you might imagine, heavenly planets are very rare to find in No Man’s Sky. They have a rare chance to exist in the system, even if it meets all the criteria for its presence. So it will take luck to find him sooner rather than later.

First, let’s understand the different types of systems. The types of systems are determined by the color of their star. These systems are yellow, green, red and blue star systems. It is important to note that the highest chance of finding a heavenly planet is only in yellow star systems. It can be found in other types of systems, but the chances are incredibly small, so it’s best not to try.

To understand which system is best for Paradise Planet in No Man’s Sky, you need to do the following:

  • Find the yellow star on the galaxy map and select it. This will show you its distance to you as well as what looks like a code next to it.
  • You’re trying to find one that has the letters G and f in the code, which means it’s a system with a yellow star. The number between these letters indicates the temperature of the system. 0 means the coldest possible, and 10 the hottest possible. You need to find one that is between 4 and 6. This will set the optimal temperature for the Paradies planet.
  • Try to find a system that has a lot of celestial bodies, once you’ve found one that fits the bill, teleport to it.
  • Scan each planet and check if its description says “paradise planet”. It may take several warps to several different systems to find it.

Here’s how you can find paradise planets in No Man’s Sky. For more guides like this, check out our other No Man’s Sky articles.

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