How to get and equip a wolf pet in Diablo 4

How to get and equip a wolf pet in Diablo 4

Wondering how to get a wolf pet in Diablo 4? Don’t worry, we’ll show you how it’s done. In a world of evil monsters, destruction and death, you will find an adorable companion while playing Diablo IV. It is presented in the form of a fluffy wolf cub. While this is just a cosmetic item, many Diablo 4 players are wondering how to unlock it. Keep reading until the end to find out.

How to get a wolf pet in Diablo 4

If you want to unlock a wolf pet in Diablo 4, you will need to reach level 20 with any character. But it’s not as easy as it sounds, because you will only have a limited amount of time to do it. The game is still in beta testing, which will end on March 27, 2023 at 12:00 PM PST. So, this is the only time you can get a cute cosmetic item until Diablo 4 fully releases in June 2023. Once that’s done, here’s how to equip the wolf pet:

How to equip a wolf pet

Once you reach level 20 of your character, the Beta Wolf Pack cosmetic item will be automatically added to your inventory. Just go to the inventory screen and equip the item. Now you will notice that this fluffy wolf cub will ride on your back. Although the puppy will not get hurt or die from enemy attacks, you will still feel responsible when you ride with him.

In addition to unlocking the Wolf pet in Diablo 4, you can also transfer two titles to the full game:

  1. Initial Sacrifice Title: Reach Kiowashad with one character.
  2. Early Voyager Title: Reach level 20 with a single character.

That’s all you need to know about how to get a wolf pet in Diablo 4. We hope you found this guide helpful. If you enjoy the game, check out other similar guides in our Diablo section.

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