Twitter adds automatic subtitles to its videos

Twitter adds automatic subtitles to its videos

Twitter adds automatic subtitles to new videos. Gradual rollout has only recently begun.

Not everyone is lucky enough to have good hearing. Some of us are born with hearing problems, others have experienced events that have led to hearing loss or hearing loss. In fact, when it comes to watching videos, the operation is delicate as these people cannot or have difficulty hearing what is being said. That is why, in particular, subtitles were invented. They offer hearing impaired users an alternative to watching their videos.

Twitter adds automatic subtitles to new videos

Today, many services offer subtitles for their videos, whether they are added automatically or not. And now we need to add Twitter to this list. The deaf and hard of hearing will certainly be happy to know that Twitter has just begun rolling out support for automatic captioning. This means that videos submitted to the platform will be automatically subtitled.

Gradual rollout started very recently

According to the platform, the feature will eventually roll out globally and will support “most languages”. That is, right now, depending on your language, the results will be completely different, but after a while, all videos should be processed. That said, according to The Verge, Twitter explains that automatic captioning will only apply to new videos uploaded to the platform. This means that videos already posted will not be eligible for this, which is a shame.

Also, there doesn’t seem to be any way for users to report incorrect or simply inaccurate signatures. I hope Twitter will fill this gap and add the necessary functionality. While subtitles were originally an accessibility feature, they can now be very useful if you want to watch videos without sound, which can happen quite regularly on a daily basis.

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