Apple: spring event could take place on March 8

Apple: spring event could take place on March 8

Apple’s spring event could take place on March 8th. With iPhone, iPad and Mac at the party?

Every year or so, Apple hosts an event at the start of the year before its traditional developer conference, WWDC. This year shouldn’t be an exception, but the question is, when exactly will this spring event take place? According to a Bloomberg report, it is quite possible that this is planned for the next month, more precisely at the beginning of March.

Apple’s spring event could take place on March 8

If this message is correct, the Cupertino-based company’s spring event could take place on March 8, or at least around that date. This event should allow the Apple brand to formalize a number of new products, one of which is the iPhone SE 5G, an entry-level model for users who want to take advantage of the Apple ecosystem at a lower cost while taking advantage of 5G.

With iPhone, iPad and Mac at the party?

What’s more, it will be the first iPhone SE to be 5G compatible, which is very good considering the iPhone SE’s price point. This should make it possible to offer 5G at an affordable price, which would give the Cupertino company the opportunity to reach a wider audience, and not “force” the latter, so to speak, to pay a large sum for one of its high-end. smartphones.

The event should also allow Apple to release new iPads and possibly even a new Mac, a machine that can carry the M2 chip, a direct successor to the M1 chip released in late 2020. saying that this information should be taken with a grain of salt. This is just one of many rumors, but if this March date is correct, we will no doubt find out more in the coming weeks.

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