Twitter is testing multiple video playback speeds

Twitter is testing multiple video playback speeds

Twitter is testing different video playback speeds. A very limited test before possible deployment to the general public.

Twitter is constantly working to improve its platform and user experience. Of course, this includes adding new features as well as optimizing existing features. And just because a platform is functionally as simple as Twitter doesn’t mean it’s simple. Legion of tests. Here’s a new one, this time about video.

Twitter is testing different video playback speeds

Most Twitter users can currently create videos no longer than 140 seconds (2 minutes 20 minutes). This duration is quite short, but ultimately quite long. Sometimes we don’t have time to spend two minutes in front of our phone. Luckily, Twitter has just announced a test with the integration of different video playback speeds. These settings range from 0.25x to 2x on Android or the web to provide something very similar to what is found on YouTube, Netflix or other platforms.

Very limited test before possible rollout to the general public

Those who pass this test can see the gear icon at the top of the video, next to the option for subtitles. From there, you can choose from several different playback speeds, with audio adjusted, of course, to avoid the “chipmunk”effect. This can be very useful for those who are short on time or, conversely, slow down the video to better hear a word, for example.

These variable playback speeds should eventually be available for all videos offered on the platform, whether in tweets, direct messages or otherwise, regardless of platform, according to Twitter spokesman Joseph Nunez The Verge. The test is currently running with a limited number of users on Android and the web. No one knows when it will be deployed on a large scale. To be continued!

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