Frank Miller launches his own comic book company and revives Sin City

Frank Miller launches his own comic book company and revives Sin City

Frank Miller starts his own comic book company. Frank Miller Presents will feature works by Frank Miller as well as works by various authors.

For decades, Frank Miller has made a name for himself with strong comic book stories for Marvel and DC, not to mention his original work with independent publishers like Dark Horse. Most recently, his graphic novel The Damned, co-written with Tom Wheeler, was made into a television series for Netflix, and work continues on the world of The Dark Knight Returns, which he and artist Klaus Janssen launched in 1987. Book creators before him, Frank Miller is now running his own comic book company.

Frank Miller launches his own comic book company

Frank Miller and former DC director Dan DiDio teamed up to launch a new company called Frank Miller Presents (FMP), with Dan DiDio as publisher and Frank Miller as creator and talent scout, so to speak. In a statement, Frank Miller said that this new company, which he has been building for several months now, will be “fertile ground for writers and new creations… Investing in artists and in the future of comics has always been one of my true passions and creative aspirations.”Two to four titles are expected to be released each year, both featuring Frank Miller classics and brand new content from other creators, whether newcomers to the comics world or veterans. On the other side,

Frank Miller Presents will feature works by Frank Miller as well as other authors.

Speaking of this classic, FMP’s first two installments are to be enjoyed: a return to Sin City, which he created in 1991 and which was adapted into two films with Robert Rodriguez. This new comic is called “Sin City 1858”. The second comic is another sequel: Ronin Book Two, a direct sequel to the 1983 science fiction samurai miniseries created with Lynn Varley and John Costanza.

Two brand new titles are called Pandora and Ancient Enemies. At the time of this writing, no one knows how deeply Frank Miller is involved in each of these works, and creative teams have not yet been revealed either. These books will in any case be available before the end of the year in physical and digital form.

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