How to identify a song just by singing it

How to identify a song just by singing it

Google can help you identify a song by humming it or just humming the melody.

Do you know this song. You know the words, you know the beat, you know the solo, you know every second, but you have no idea what the title is. This happens a lot, whether it’s a song you heard on the radio or a friend played to you years ago. And sometimes it even remains anchored in your head and cannot be identified. Fortunately, modern technology can help.

Google can help you identify the song

In this case, the Google app is your best friend. If you use it, you know it is an important passage for research, news. However, one of its best “secret”features is the ability to identify songs. You can use it as a Shazam or something else by letting the microphone pick up the song being played and the Google app will analyze it and identify it, but Google goes further: when you activate song search, it listens to any type of music, including its own voice. This means that even if you only know the melody or a few words, you can sing or hum and the app will try to identify it.

Sing or just hum a tune

And it all works surprisingly well. Check the functionality yourself. Come up with a song, sing along, and watch how Google works. You may well be surprised. And your brain will thank you for finally being able to provide the title and/or artist for that song you have in mind.

For each result, the app displays a percentage match based on what you sang/hummed, and this seems to change for no real reason – singing with the exact lyrics or humming the melody doesn’t seem to have a significant impact on this result. You may also see other possible matches: while these matches are most often different versions of the same song, sometimes you will see completely different songs. Inspiration can come from your favorite tunes or new songs inspired by your thoughts.

To try it yourself, make sure you have the Google app installed on your iPhone or Android smartphone, open the app, and tap the microphone icon in the search box. From there, tap “Find a Song”and start singing.

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