How to Get Receipts for Your Best Music Tracks on Spotify

How to Get Receipts for Your Best Music Tracks on Spotify

If you love to listen to music, then you will definitely want to check your monthly favorite tracks that you listen to. Well, if you use Spotify to stream your music, it will be very easy to get detailed information about your music statistics. Well, Spotify Wrapped is one way to discover your taste in music, but it only happens once a year. You will have access to Spotify Wrapped after the end of each year. But what if you want to keep track of your monthly music reports? Well, there are third party apps that allow you to do just that.

You can use third party apps like Receiptify to get the statistics of the music tracks you are listening to on Spotify. Receipify not only provides information about your most streamed songs, but also converts them into receipts. It will get your Spotify data and verify it with a real receipt from some store. Keeping track of your music will be something fun that you can consider.

If you’ve reached this article while looking for a way to get receipts for your best music tracks on Spotify, then this article will be your guide.

Get receipts for your best music tracks on Spotify

This article will discuss the step by step process to help you use Receiptify to create Spotify receipts for the best music tracks you have listened to.

Using Receiptify to Get Receipts for Top Music Tracks on Spotify

If you want to get receipts for your best music tracks on Spotify, then this article will help you with that. By following the steps below, you will be able to create receipts for the best music on Spotify using Receiptify-

  • First, open a browser and go to the Receiptify website .
  • Here, click the” Sign in with Spotify”button .
  • You will now need to sign into your Spotify account. Enter your account information and log in to your account.
  • After that, Receiptify will ask you if you want to see a Spotify receipt based on your last month’s usage, six months’ usage, or your all time usage.
  • This will create Spotify receipts for the songs you are listening to.

The Spotify receipt you created will have a fake order number, your name, and also the date at the top. Next, you’ll see a list of the top songs you’re listening to. You will see the names of the songs as well as their duration.

Along with that, you will also see the grand total, which will be the sum of the total lengths of all your best songs on the receipt. It will also have a fake card number as well as a “Thank you for visiting!”message displayed at the bottom of the screen. After that, you will be able to download the receipt and share it with anyone.


Creating a Spotify receipt is one of the best ways to show someone what kind of music you’re listening to. If you’d like to create a Spotify receipt, you’ll be able to do so with Receiptify. You can follow the steps in this article to get receipts for the best music on Spotify with Receiptify.

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