How to make text bold in Discord? 10 best ways

How to make text bold in Discord? 10 best ways

There are a few things you may not be aware of if you are new to Discord. Some of your friends who have been using Discord for a while may already be familiar with many of the formatting options. It would be helpful if you learned how to make text bold in Discord as one of the first methods in this tutorial.

You can highlight text (or even play music) in Discord because you have so many styling options. If this is your first time hearing about this method, this article will show you how to perform it.

Bold stands out among other comments. Only Discord doesn’t provide a visible option for members to make text bold. So how do other people deal with it? Do processes change depending on whether you’re using an iPhone or an Android device?

You have come to the right place if you have been thinking about these issues. Read on to find out how to quickly get bold in Discord.

What is Discord?

Discord is a free audio, video, and text chat that is used by tens of millions of people aged 13 and over to connect and connect with their communities and friends.

People regularly use Discord to discuss topics ranging from art projects and family vacations to homework and psychological help. It serves as a home to communities of varying sizes, but is most often used by small and active groups of people who talk daily.

People use Discord because it serves as a hub for all their communities and friend groups. This is a place where they can be themselves, spending time with other people who share their interests and hobbies.

There is no algorithm to choose what to watch, no endless scrolling and no news feed. Common interests cause controversy.

Discord Text Formatting – Understanding Markdown

For those unfamiliar with markdown, this is a lightweight markup language first introduced in 2004 by John Gruber and Aaron Schwartz. It has a simple text formatting syntax and is easy to read and write.

In the beginning, it only supported HTML. However, Markdown is currently used in a basic text editor to create rich content for writing posts. Also, Markdown is hidden because it only runs in the background preparing content.

If you don’t want to use markdown, enter your message in a one line code block and you’re done.

how to make text bold in discord?

If you want to draw attention to a Discord message, making text bold is a valuable feature. It also doesn’t require any complex instructions for formatting the body of your contention messages. Instead, people can boldly with a few simple clicks on Discord. Here is how you do it:

  • On your PC, Android or iOS device, launch Discord.
  • Select the person or discord server you want to send a bold message to.
  • Type two asterisks before entering text that will be bolded in a Discord discussion. Then start typing. Put two asterisks without a space at the end to make the entire statement bold. It should look something like this: “**word**”.
  • Press Enter.
  • The text message you are sending is now in bold.

The content you wrote is in bold. Your message will grab more attention and emphasize your argument than plain text.

How to make your Discord status bold?

Most Discord users want to change the statuses of their channels. This feature allows people to let other users know what they are doing or feeling.

You can highlight your status in bold and italics. When it comes to using Discord, customizing your status puts you ahead of the rest.

Status, on the other hand, can’t be styled yet. You also can’t use the same method to bold a message to highlight your status. Here are some tips on how to do it.

Find a website that automatically converts your plain text to bold. Do the following:

  • In a browser, navigate to the Bold Font Generator webpage.
  • Then, in the provided area, put the status.
  • Copy and paste the status in bold into the status area of ​​Discord.
  • Your status will be highlighted.

This is all! As you can see, while Discord doesn’t allow users to bold their status, it can be done through another website.

Making text bold in Discord using iPhone

Highlighting a message in Discord is also possible for iPhone users. The processes are the same as when using a computer. Here’s how to use iPhone to highlight a message in Discord:

  • On your iPhone, open the Discord app.
  • Select the person or channel you want to send a message to.
  • Type two asterisks before entering your message, then the word or message you want to bold, followed by two asterisks. There must be no space between the asterisks and the first and last words. **How ​​are you?** should be the format.
  • Then click send.
  • Your iPhone message is in bold.

Here it is! The text you sent to your iPhone is in bold.

How to make text bold in Discord on Android?

Making text bold in Discord is just as easy for Android users as it is for iPhone or PC users. The steps are almost the same.

  • On your Android smartphone, open the Discord app.
  • Select the person or channel you want to send a message to.
  • Type ** at the beginning of the text, then type your message and end with **. At the beginning and at the end of the text, make sure that there are no spaces between the asterisks and words.
  • When you’re done, click on the Send Message tab.

This is how you create discord in bold.

How to italicize words in Discord?

If you want to convey sarcasm or send a message in italics, you can use italics in Discord. The question is, how will you do it if Discord doesn’t provide that option? It’s simple. Only a few characters need to be selected. The steps to italicize words in Discord are listed below.

  • Open the app on your desktop or laptop computer.
  • Choose a place for the italicized words.
  • Type an asterisk at the beginning and end of the message. It will look like the following *text*.
  • After that press enter.

This is how you create Discord text in italics.

How to use strikethrough in Discord?

To strikethrough (strike out) text, you cannot simply press a key on the keyboard. Instead, you must follow certain procedures to make text strikethrough.

  • Using your favorite device, open the Discord app.
  • Click on your friend’s name or on the server you want to contact.
  • Compose a message. Enter two tide symbols to start and two tide symbols to end the message. The tide key is located under the Esc key or to the left of the F1 button.
  • This is what your message will look like: ~~word~~.

This is how you create strikethrough discord text.

How to underline words in Discord?

Text underlining is another way to organize your messages in Discord. Again, the steps are simple:

  • Open the Discord app.
  • Enter two underscores at the beginning and two underscores after the message. This is what the message should look like: _word_
  • Your message will now be highlighted.
  • Steps for combining Discord effects.

You might be wondering if you can mix bold and italic text with strikethrough to create a stunning statement now that you know how. The steps to combine these effects are listed below.

How to combine effects in Discord?

Now that you know how to bold italic and strikethrough text, you’re probably wondering if the effects can be combined. See what combinations Discord members can create below.

How to make a word or message bold and italic in Discord?

Here are the main ways to make text bold and italic:

  • Open Discord and select your buddy or channel to chat with.
  • Enter three asterisks at the beginning and three asterisks after the message.
  • Here’s what the bold italicized text would look like. ***How ​​are you doing? ***.

How to bold italic and underline text in Discord?

Follow the procedures below if you want to combine the three effects:

  • Open the app and select the channel and friend you want to chat with.
  • Start and end your message with an underscore and three asterisks. The underscore (_) is usually found on the same key as the hyphen (-).
  • What will it look like _*** how are you? ***_.

How to write spoilers in Discord?

If you’re going to censor something, you need to write spoilers on Discord. Whether you use Discord on PC or smartphone, you can do it. To learn how to write spoilers on Discord, follow the instructions below:

  • To get started, open the app on your smartphone or computer.
  • To send a message to a friend or channel, tap on their name.
  • Type a double dash before and after the message to keep the message between you and your buddy or channel.
  • The spoiler message should look like this: ||I got your message||.

Since the content contains spoilers, Discord will recognize that you want to hide it. However, there is another way to write spoilers.

  • To get started, open Discord on the device of your choice.
  • Select the person or channel you want to send a message to.
  • Type /spoiler at the beginning of the message.
  • Then press Enter to send the message.

To see spoilers, double-click on a post and the content will appear. A gray background will be displayed.

Using international keyboard layouts for formatting

Because Discord is used worldwide, there may be multiple keyboard layouts. Use the following keys if your keyboard does not have asterisks or tildes.

  • You can make stars by pressing Shift + 8 at the same time.
  • Press Shift + Backtick (‘) for a tilde.

However, this is not always the case. Check out the tips below for users using international keyboard layouts:

  • French (Belgium): Shift+$ (the key to the right of ^¨)
  • German: Shift+[+] (key to the right of Ü)
  • French (France): * (key to the right of ù%)
  • Italian: Shift+[+] (key to the right of èé)
  • French (Switzerland): Shift+3
  • Spanish: Shift+[+] (key to the right of `^ (Spain) or ‘¨ (Latin America))
  • Swedish: Shift+’ (key to the right of Ä)

Make the necessary changes to draw attention to your message using these different keyboard layouts.

Most Discord users use a regular English keyboard. So this tutorial concentrates on that. However, we do recognize alternate keyboard layouts. This means that you can format documents regardless of the keyboard.


While Discord doesn’t have obvious options to allow users to change their content, they can do so with a few tactics. You know how to make text bold or italic to emphasize a message. You can also cross out or underline text if you make a mistake.

Plus, mix features to create a unique message. Finally, in order not to piss off other people, learn how to write spoilers. Come out and highlight your statements!


Can you make text bold in Discord status?

Yes, you can of course open Discord on your PC. Select the person or channel you want to send a bold message to. Press “Enter”after writing double asterisks before and after the message. Your message will now appear in bold.

How to make text bold and underlined in Discord?

We have already covered how to bold text, italicize it, and use strikethrough in previous parts. You also figured out how to combine these features. But how do you make text bold and underline it? Follow this simple procedure:- On your device, launch Discord.- Enter your message, but don’t press the send button.- Before and after the text, enter two underscores and two asterisks. – The text should look like this: “text”.

How to make text look different in Discord?

There are several ways to change the look of text in Discord. Users can use the keyboard to make text bold, italic, underline, or strikethrough. In addition, you can combine these options to create a unique message. Finally, spoilers can be written in such a way that other Discord users do not read the message until they request it.

How to change font size in Discord chat?

You can go to settings in the bottom right corner, user settings and appearance. You can change the text size scaling in the chat font scaling area.

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