How to fix PS4 not reading discs anymore

How to fix PS4 not reading discs anymore

Your PS4 may still be in high demand despite the PS5. However, there may be problems reading discs. Here is how to solve this problem.

The PS5 may be Sony’s last console, but there are still a lot of people who are taking full advantage of their PS4s. If he really reads discs. There is nothing more frustrating than a console that refuses to play the game you just bought. If you are in this case, here are some tips to try.

Turn off your PS4

Could this step be useless? Yes. But it’s important to try because it’s easy and other options are not so difficult. Also, the PS4’s “sleep”mode doesn’t completely turn off the system. Any electronic device needs to be completely turned off from time to time, the PlayStation is no exception.

If you haven’t turned off your PS4 in years, you can do so by pressing and holding the power button on your controller and then choosing Power > Power Off PS4. You can also press and hold the power button on PS4 for three seconds.

Print on PS4

Jokes aside. Clicking on PS4 is the solution to this problem. To do this, insert a disc into your PS4 and then tap the console above the disc player when the player starts playing. This has worked for many users. However, be careful, opinions differ regarding the position of the PS4. Some say that the console should be horizontal, others – vertical.

So try both orientations and don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t work the first time. If nothing happens, remove the disc and try again. Some people need to try 10 times before their PS4 finally reads the disc.

Restore PS4 Database

If your PS4 doesn’t have an SSD, the good old hard drive is used to store files. When a file saves new files, it does so in the smallest space available, so to speak, without worrying about storage. Over time, this can cause memory access issues as the system spends more time searching the entire disk to access the requested file. It may also cause problems when playing the disc.

This is where rebuilding the database comes in. When you do this, all existing files will be logically reordered. Thus, the system no longer needs to look everywhere for the necessary files. This can help restore the database even if your PS4 doesn’t have problems reading discs.

To do this, restart your PS4 in safe mode. Start by turning it off and make sure your controller is connected to the console. Now press and hold the power button on your PS4 until you hear two beeps. The first is the normal start-up beep, the second is about 7 seconds later.

When prompted, press the power button on your controller. There you will find a list of options. Select Rebuild Database and let the process complete. This may take many hours. Be patient).

Factory Reset PS4

The final software solution option to solve the problem is factory reset, the nuclear option for all software issues on our electronic devices. If your console won’t read discs for a software reason, erasing everything and reinstalling a clean version of the software should fix it.

To do this, go to Settings > Reset > Reset PS4. You can also boot into Safe Mode and select Reinstall System Software to start over.

Repair PS4 disc

If you have tried everything at the software level and nothing works, then the drive itself is to blame. The good news is that it can be easily repaired, whether you do it yourself or take it in for repair.

There is no shortage of videos on the internet of this repair, both for removing it and inspecting for visible problems. It is possible that the problem is the same as in this video, just the element is disabled. TroncsFix, the maker of the video, does a good job of explaining which screws to remove, what to look for, how to fix it, and how to put everything back in place.

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